- The Way I Feel Tonight
- How Can I Believe
- The Magic Memont
- Sometimes When We Touch
- Call Me
- Forever Young
- Ocean Deep
- I Remember
- We're All Alone
- How Deep Is Your Love
- 周华健/张大春...
- 周华健 侠客行...
- 倾城之恋
- 流浪的终点
- 今天唱什么
- 已读不回
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- 江湖
- 不可能是不可能的事
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Sometimes When We Touch
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Forever Young不朽年华英文精选集
(男)YoU ask me If I love YoU and I choke on mY replY@H_168_0@
I'd rather hUrt YoU honestlY than mIslead YoU wIth a lIe@H_168_0@
(女)And who am I to jUdge YoU on what YoU saY or do@H_168_0@
I'm Only jUst beGinnIng to see the real YoU@H_168_0@
(合)And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch@H_168_0@
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde@H_168_0@
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dIe@H_168_0@
TIll we both break down and crY@H_168_0@
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes@H_168_0@
(男)Romance and all Its strategY@H_168_0@
Leaves me battlIng wIth mY prIde@H_168_0@
BUt throUgh the InsecUrItY some tenderness sUrvIves@H_168_0@
(女)I'm jUst another wrIter stIll trapped wIthIn mY trUth@H_168_0@
A hesItant prIze fIghter stIll trapped wIthIn mY YoUth@H_168_0@
(合)And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch@H_168_0@
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde@H_168_0@
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dId@H_168_0@
TIll we both break down and crY@H_168_0@
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes@H_168_0@
(女)At tImes I'd lIke to break YoU and drIve YoU To Your knees@H_168_0@
(男)At tImes I'd lIke to break throUgh and hold YoU endlesslY@H_168_0@
(合)hold me endlesslY@H_168_0@
(男)At tImes I Understand YoU and I know how hard hard YoU Try@H_168_0@
I've watched whIle love commands YoU@H_168_0@
And I've watched love pass YoU bY@H_168_0@
(女)At tImes I thInk we're drIfter stIll searchIng for a frIend@H_168_0@
(男)A brother or a sIster@H_168_0@
(合)BUt then the @R_367_1682@ flares agaIn@H_168_0@
And sometIme when we toUch the honestY's too mUch@H_168_0@
And I have to close mY eYes and hIde@H_168_0@
I wanner hold YoU tIll I dIe@H_168_0@
TIll we both break down and crY@H_168_0@
I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes@H_168_0@
(男)TIll we both break down and crY@H_168_0@
(合)I wanner hold YoU the fear In mY sUbsIdes
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Call Me
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Call Me