The Way I Feel Tonight
How Can I Believe
The Magic Memont
Sometimes When We Touch
Call Me
Forever Young
Ocean Deep
I Remember
We're All Alone
How Deep Is Your Love
周华健 侠客行...
水浒三部曲 原创音乐选...
水浒108 张大春现代京...
Keep Wakin 1987-2002...
I Remember
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Forever Young不朽年华英文精选集
(男)There were tImes when I dId not know what to do
That's when YoU saId that YoU coUld show me
(女)Now I fInd mY lIfe has changed becaUse of YoU
I knew It woUld when YoU saId hold me
(合) I can feel It @R_716_1874@ wIth the sUn
ShInIg pUre jUst lIke the mornIng Light
I'm so verY sUre that YoU're the one for me
(男)BabY YoUr love has set me free
(女) ThoUgh the tIme that's past has not been mUch at all
I feel lIke I've known YoU sInce Forever
(男) I remember well the verY daY YoU called
So easY we fell In love Together
(女)I never thoUght that love coUld be lIke thIs
(男)It took me beYond mY eXpectatIons
(女)It's never the same when I feel YoUr kIss
(男)I want to thank YoU bUt can't fInd the words
BabY YoUr love has set me free
That's when YoU saId that YoU coUld show me
(女)Now I fInd mY lIfe has changed becaUse of YoU
I knew It woUld when YoU saId hold me
(合) I can feel It @R_716_1874@ wIth the sUn
ShInIg pUre jUst lIke the mornIng Light
I'm so verY sUre that YoU're the one for me
(男)BabY YoUr love has set me free
(女) ThoUgh the tIme that's past has not been mUch at all
I feel lIke I've known YoU sInce Forever
(男) I remember well the verY daY YoU called
So easY we fell In love Together
(女)I never thoUght that love coUld be lIke thIs
(男)It took me beYond mY eXpectatIons
(女)It's never the same when I feel YoUr kIss
(男)I want to thank YoU bUt can't fInd the words
BabY YoUr love has set me free
《I Remember》歌词由查歌词收集整理
Ocean Deep下一个歌词
We're All Alone
Ocean Deep下一个歌词
We're All Alone