- Lullabye
- Jealous Guy
- Summer Kisses Winter Tears
- Broken Hearted Me
- In Your Eyes
- My Pretty One
- Sayonara
- Just When I Needed You Most
- How Can I Believe
- Darken Sun
- Sad Without You
- 周华健/张大春...
- 周华健 侠客行...
- 倾城之恋
- 流浪的终点
- 今天唱什么
- 已读不回
- 水浒三部曲 原创音乐选...
- 江湖
- 不可能是不可能的事
- 潇潇雨未歇
- 花旦
- 盒子之歌
- 水浒108 张大春现代京...
- 拼了
- 雨人
- Keep Wakin 1987-2002...
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周华健 / Sad Without You
Sleep , laY me down Hold me closelY In YoUr arms@H_623_0@
And I wIll close mY eYes@H_623_0@
Please promIse me that When I wake Up from mY dreams@H_623_0@
YoU'll be there bY mY sIde@H_623_0@
Love If YoU saY , YoU won't slIp awaY@H_623_0@
Then I can go Dreaming of Forever more@H_623_0@
BUt I won't rest UntIl I know that@H_623_0@
YoU wIll be here In the mornIng be mY sIde
Jealous Guy
Jealous Guy