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Within You'll Remain

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 周柏豪 / 梦想系音乐会 Rock Your Dream
WrItten bY: Donald AshleY/黄良升/恭硕良@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ I'm facIng the world wIth an emptY heart@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ I coUld dIsappear Into the dark@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ And YoU were the one who coUld make mY dreams@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ Come trUe mY dear It's YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ When YoU're not aroUnd mY heart stood stIll@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ WIthIn YoU'll remaIn and alwaYs wIll@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I love YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I need YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ More than I ever dId anYone@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ I've never felt lIke thIs before@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I want YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I need YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ We coUld be two lovers from the past@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ And the fUtUre Is oUr chance@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I love YoU babY@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I need YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ More than I ever dId anYone@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ I've never felt lIke thIs before@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I want YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ 我爱你 I need YoU@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ We coUld be two lovers from the past@H_230_0@ @H_230_0@ And the fUtUre Is oUr chance

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