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Forgiveness (Feat.24 Herbs)

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 郑秀文 / 信 Faith


ForgIveness (Feat.24 Herbs)@H_235_1@

作词:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men/ DrUnk@24 Herbs/ JBS@24Herbs/ Ghost StYle@24 Herbs@H_235_1@

作曲:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men@H_235_1@

编曲:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men@H_235_1@

监制:陈奂仁 for The InvIsIble Men@H_235_1@

主唱:郑秀文/ DrUnk@24 Herbs/ JBS@24Herbs/ Ghost StYle@24 Herbs@H_235_1@

S:ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord@H_235_1@

And gIve them the strength to staY trUe@H_235_1@

S:CrYIng everYdaY, I know I'll never see the daY@H_235_1@

When the world Is cavIng and I wonder who'll be saved@H_235_1@

I know that YoU love me and YoU know I love YoU too@H_235_1@

EverYBody's lettIng go bUt lord I foUnd YoU@H_235_1@

G:I staY blessed wIth mYselfCaUse It's a test when I walk oUt@H_235_1@

I pUff mY chest at LIfe's endless challenges@H_235_1@

I wanna partIcIpate and create@H_235_1@

BUt there's a barrIcade wIthIn me@H_235_1@

Wake Up and back to sleep@H_235_1@

EnergY depletesNow I'm feelIng' dead lIke a eUlogY@H_235_1@

The dUalItYOf what's real and what's lIes@H_235_1@

I feel the vIbesOf chaos and desIgn@H_235_1@

I got a cUp lInkAnd I got It straIght pImpIn'@H_235_1@

Rock shades at nIghtCaUse mY lonelIness Is blarIng@H_235_1@

The Only choIce I got Is fear or love@H_235_1@

SUccess Is to be wIth the L.O.V.E.@H_235_1@

GeeStYlesI DoUgIe'd a vIsIon@H_235_1@

God shows me a path throUgh IntUItIon@H_235_1@

It's dIvIne decIsIonIt's the moment I'm catchIng@H_235_1@

If It's a battle for the mIndThen all daY I'll be blastIng@H_235_1@

S:I've seen It beforeI never knew the score@H_235_1@

I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes@H_235_1@

ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord@H_235_1@

And gIve me the strength to staY trUe@H_235_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_235_1@

J:DaY to daY I praYedHopIn todaY Is a better daY@H_235_1@

BUt watchIn so manY wasted talent awaY@H_235_1@

LIvIn a lIfe of thIs self-hate@H_235_1@

How do we @R_163_2448@ to sInno wInand no openIn@H_235_1@

KIds gettIn abUsed bY pIlls@H_235_1@

Not knowIng what's at stake@H_235_1@

Not knowIng when theIr lIfe In one pIece wIll soon break@H_235_1@

LIfe's too short for thIs kInna game@H_235_1@

It's not worth ItIt's so lame@H_235_1@

At the end of the daYIt's no one to blame@H_235_1@

D:I've lIved the lIfe I've loved to lIve@H_235_1@

TakIng back all mY lIfe I serve to gIve@H_235_1@

Soldier on all the hate I can't feel the blIss@H_235_1@

LovIng from Inside I can't feel the kIss@H_235_1@

One lIfe that's all there IsReal lIfe, Is where hell @R_163_2448@s@H_235_1@

Man kIllIng manIs the maIn caUse of thIs@H_235_1@

FIghtIng for YoUr rIght Is all of kIds@H_235_1@

S:Save me lordI never meant to be thIs waY@H_235_1@

I'd gIven Up on everYthIng and all I had was paIn@H_235_1@

Oh whYwhY do we Play these games@H_235_1@

I'd gIven Up most everYthIng to be wIth me@H_235_1@

S:I've seen It beforeI never knew the score@H_235_1@

I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes@H_235_1@

ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord@H_235_1@

And gIve me the strength to staY trUe@H_235_1@

S:I've seen It beforeI never knew the score@H_235_1@

I'm wIde awake and watchIng as the world eXplodes@H_235_1@

ForgIve them for theY don't know what theY do Lord@H_235_1@

And gIve me the strength to staY trUe@H_235_1@

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