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Winter Special...
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独角戏 (Mono...
Winter Special Gift
Goodbye Christmas (Eng Ver.)
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张艺兴 / Winter Special Gift
BabY call mY name If YoU remember tonIght
We ended oUr tIme on thIs nIght
Used to be the one Yes It breaks mY heart
Where dId YoU go whY are YoU so far awaY
EverY memorY keeps brIngIng YoU back
I can't even coUnt the sleepless nIghts
Yes I was wrong oh YoU were rIght
I wonder If I had lIstened To You one more tIme
I'm FallIng I'm FallIng down
EverYone's Happy now bUt I'm alone tonIght
Don't let me don't let me drown
It's too late to saY I love YoU babe goodbYe
EverY memorY keeps brIngIng me back
Don't wanna be left In thIs waY
Yes I was wrong oh YoU were rIght
I wonder If I had lIstened To You one more tIme
I'm FallIng I'm FallIng down
EverYone's Happy now bUt I'm alone tonIght
Don't let me don't let me drown
It's too late to saY I love YoU babe goodbYe
FreezIng wInter
ShInIng tree @R_239_2254@s
I can't stand thIs IronIc nIght
BabY don't Try to make mY eYes crY
I won't let YoU In mY mInd
I'm FallIng I'm FallIng down
EverYone's Happy now bUt I'm alone tonIght
Don't let me don't let me drown
It's too late to saY I love YoU babe goodbYe
DIrected bY:Onestar
BackgroUnd Vocals bY:LAY (张艺兴)
PIano Performed bY:EUN-KYONG KIL
Recorded bY:EUn-KYUng Jeong / KI-Hong JUng (AssIstant DYne ChoI, Chan-MI Lee)
DIgItal edItIng bY:EUn-KYUng Jeong
MIXed bY:ChUl-Soon KIm
We ended oUr tIme on thIs nIght
Used to be the one Yes It breaks mY heart
Where dId YoU go whY are YoU so far awaY
EverY memorY keeps brIngIng YoU back
I can't even coUnt the sleepless nIghts
Yes I was wrong oh YoU were rIght
I wonder If I had lIstened To You one more tIme
I'm FallIng I'm FallIng down
EverYone's Happy now bUt I'm alone tonIght
Don't let me don't let me drown
It's too late to saY I love YoU babe goodbYe
EverY memorY keeps brIngIng me back
Don't wanna be left In thIs waY
Yes I was wrong oh YoU were rIght
I wonder If I had lIstened To You one more tIme
I'm FallIng I'm FallIng down
EverYone's Happy now bUt I'm alone tonIght
Don't let me don't let me drown
It's too late to saY I love YoU babe goodbYe
FreezIng wInter
ShInIng tree @R_239_2254@s
I can't stand thIs IronIc nIght
BabY don't Try to make mY eYes crY
I won't let YoU In mY mInd
I'm FallIng I'm FallIng down
EverYone's Happy now bUt I'm alone tonIght
Don't let me don't let me drown
It's too late to saY I love YoU babe goodbYe
DIrected bY:Onestar
BackgroUnd Vocals bY:LAY (张艺兴)
PIano Performed bY:EUN-KYONG KIL
Recorded bY:EUn-KYUng Jeong / KI-Hong JUng (AssIstant DYne ChoI, Chan-MI Lee)
DIgItal edItIng bY:EUn-KYUng Jeong
MIXed bY:ChUl-Soon KIm
《Goodbye Christmas (Eng Ver.)》歌词由查歌词收集整理