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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张学友 / Private Corner Mini Concert
Somewhere over the raInbow@H_164_0@ WaY Up hIgh@H_164_0@ And the dreams that YoU dreamed of@H_164_0@ Once In a lUllabY II II III@H_164_0@ Somewhere over the raInbow@H_164_0@ BlUe bIrds flY@H_164_0@ And the dreams that YoU dreamed of@H_164_0@ Dreams reallY do come trUe ooh ooooh@H_164_0@ SomedaY I'll wIsh Upon a star@H_164_0@ Wake Up where the cLouds are far behInd me ee ee eeh@H_164_0@ Where troUble melts lIke lemon drops@H_164_0@ HIgh above the chImneY tops thats where YoU'll fInd me oh@H_164_0@ Somewhere over the raInbow blUebIrds flY@H_164_0@ And the dream that YoU dare to,whY, oh whY can't@H_164_0@ @H_164_0@ Well I see trees of green and@H_164_0@ Red roses too,@H_164_0@ I'll watch them bloom for me and YoU@H_164_0@ And I thInk to mYself@H_164_0@ What a wonderfUl world@H_164_0@ @H_164_0@ Well I see skIes of blUe and I see cLouds of whIte@H_164_0@ And the brIghtness of daY@H_164_0@ I lIke the dark and I thInk to mYself@H_164_0@ What a wonderfUl world@H_164_0@ @H_164_0@ The Colors of the raInbow so prettY In the skY@H_164_0@ Are also on the faces of people passIng bY@H_164_0@ I see frIends shakIng hands@H_164_0@ SaYIng, "How do YoU do?"@H_164_0@ TheY're reallY saYIng, I...I love YoU@H_164_0@ I hear babIes crY and I watch them grow,@H_164_0@ TheY'll learn mUch more@H_164_0@ Than we'll know@H_164_0@ And I thInk to mYself@H_164_0@ What a wonderfUl world (w)oohoorld@H_164_0@ @H_164_0@ SomedaY I'll wIsh Upon a star,@H_164_0@ Wake Up where the cLouds are far behInd me@H_164_0@ Where troUble melts lIke lemon drops@H_164_0@ HIgh above the chImneY top that's where YoU'll fInd me@H_164_0@ Oh, Somewhere over the raInbow waY Up hIgh@H_164_0@ And the dream that YoU dare to, whY, oh whY can't

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Medley: 佛跳墙 / 我要
Medley: Pink Panther / New York New York