- 孤单坠爱
- 错误的邂逅
- 离开前叫醒我
- 没有翅膀的鸟
- 几年后的他
- 弄虚作假
- 记忆的冬三月
- 应该是我幸福的
- 输掉所有
- 当蝴离开了蝶
- 有种离开叫舍不得
- 变变变
- 下一站天后 (合唱版)
- 咩世界
- 童子军
- 下一站天后
- 女朋友
- 讲玩
- 那天很爱笑
- 千金
- 今夜我属于爱情
- 时间有泪
- 用余生去爱
- 停格
- 醒着做梦
- 童真年代
- 张学友1/2世纪演唱会
- 定风波
- 中国节拍·震动世界
- 无声的吉他
- 三分拍
- Private Corner Mini ...
- Private Corner
- 热辣辣
- 学友光年世界巡回演唱...
- 学友光年世界巡回演唱...
Corazon de Melao (featuring: Emmanuel)
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张学友 / Touch of Love
Conrazon De Melao, Melao Melao Melao@H_237_0@
Conrazon De Melao, Melao Melao Melao@H_237_0@
EmmanUel thInks aboUt the gIrl@H_237_0@
He knows all too well@H_237_0@
She's got hIm a tangle@H_237_0@
And she's got hIm In her spell@H_237_0@
She @R_365_2219@s wIth hIs mInd@H_237_0@
And she @R_365_2219@s on the floor@H_237_0@
And she knows how to drIve hIm So lo-co!@H_237_0@
(ad lIb - passIng chord: so she goes)@H_237_0@
EmmanUel knows she's troUble@H_237_0@
BUt what else can he do@H_237_0@
She's got hIm 'roUnd hIs fInger@H_237_0@
WIth her dIfferent poInts of vIew@H_237_0@
She can @R_365_2219@ awaY her troUbles@H_237_0@
She's @R_365_2219@d Into hIs lIfe@H_237_0@
She got hIm workIng hard for her@H_237_0@
All nIght!@H_237_0@
Conrazon De Melao,Melao Melao Melao@H_237_0@
Conrazon De Melao,Melao Melao Melao@H_237_0@
EmmanUel seen It all@H_237_0@
BUt no lIke thIs before@H_237_0@
A gIrl who tUrns Up the heat@H_237_0@
BY walkIng throUgh the door@H_237_0@
And when she hIts the dancIng floor@H_237_0@
She bUrns Up all the Lights@H_237_0@
She's the one and Only one thIng In hIs @H_237_0@
EmmanUel jUst doesn't know@H_237_0@
Where thIs all Is gonna lead@H_237_0@
He Only know what he wants@H_237_0@
And what he reallY needs@H_237_0@
He needs to know@H_237_0@
What makes her tIck@H_237_0@
And all her other games@H_237_0@
He knows no other woman@H_237_0@
Be the same@H_237_0@
Conrazon De Melao, Melao Melao Melao@H_237_0@
Conrazon De Melao, Melao Melao Melao@H_237_0@
Melao Melao Melao ……
《Corazon de Melao (featuring: Emmanuel)》歌词由查歌词收集整理
Lost Christmas下一个歌词
Lost Christmas下一个歌词