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歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张信哲 / 忘记
Made bY HandsomeCK @H_423_0@ Met YoU bY sUrprIse @H_423_0@ I dIdn't realIze @H_423_0@ That mY lIfe woUld change Forever @H_423_0@ Saw YoU standIng there @H_423_0@ I dIdn't know I'd care @H_423_0@ There was somethIng specIal In the aIr @H_423_0@ Dreams are mY realItY @H_423_0@ The Only kInd of real fantasY @H_423_0@ IllUsIons are a common thIng @H_423_0@ I Try to lIve In dreams @H_423_0@ It seems as It's meant to be @H_423_0@ Dreams are mY realItY @H_423_0@ A dIfferent kInd of realItY @H_423_0@ I dream of lovIng In the nIght @H_423_0@ And lovIng seems alrIght @H_423_0@ AlthoUgh It's Only fantasY @H_423_0@ If YoU do eXIst @H_423_0@ HoneY don't resIst @H_423_0@ Show me a new waY of lovIng @H_423_0@ Tell me that It's trUe @H_423_0@ Show me what YoU do @H_423_0@ I feel somethIng specIal aboUt YoU @H_423_0@ Dreams are mY realItY @H_423_0@ The Only kInd of realItY @H_423_0@ MaYbe mY foolIshness Is past @H_423_0@ And maYbe now at last @H_423_0@ I'll see how the real thIng can be @H_423_0@ Dreams are mY realItY @H_423_0@ A wonderoUs world where I lIke to be @H_423_0@ I dream of holdIng YoU all nIght @H_423_0@ And holdIng YoU seems rIght @H_423_0@ Perhaps that's mY realItY @H_423_0@ Met YoU bY sUrprIse @H_423_0@ I dIdn't realIze @H_423_0@ That My Love woUld change Forever @H_423_0@ Tell me that It's trUe @H_423_0@ FeelIng that are new @H_423_0@ I feel somethIng specIal aboUt YoU @H_423_0@ Dreams are mY realItY @H_423_0@ A wonderoUs world where I lIke to be @H_423_0@ IllUsIons are a common thIng @H_423_0@ I Try to lIve In dreams @H_423_0@ AlthoUgh It's Only fantasY @H_423_0@ Dreams are mY realItY @H_423_0@ I lIke to dream of YoU close to me @H_423_0@ I dream of lovIng In the nIght @H_423_0@ And lovIng YoU seems rIght @H_423_0@ Perhaps that's mY realItY @H_423_0@ Made bY HandsomeCK

