- 不惜时光(单曲)
- 暗恋(单曲)
- 永生永爱(单曲)
- 天堂旅行团(单曲)
- 最可爱的人(单曲)
- 无忘(单曲)
- 女儿国(单曲)
- 越爱(单曲)
- 她(单曲)
- 绽放美妙惊喜
- U&I
- 越爱
- 千百度
- Dear Jane II
- 电视剧 有翡
- 致我们终将逝去的青春...
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / 动画剧 灵龙
@H_323_0@张靓颖@H_323_0@IncarnatIon@H_323_0@动画剧 灵龙 主题曲@H_323_0@作词:王晓倩@H_323_0@作曲:杨秉音@H_323_0@When awake@H_323_0@I see the Light and dark have changed@H_323_0@DaYs and daYs@H_323_0@People whIsper and praY@H_323_0@WIld vIsIons toUch YoUr dream@H_323_0@Those Memories wIll fade awaY@H_323_0@Don't be sad@H_323_0@GlImmers stIll remaIn@H_323_0@There's a chance@H_323_0@YoU are gonna toUch the soUl@H_323_0@DaYs and moons@H_323_0@SearchIng for a land of hope@H_323_0@SUfferIngs 'll be paInless@H_323_0@All mIserIes wIll never come@H_323_0@Don't be afraId@H_323_0@EverYthIng's the same@H_323_0@Ahhhhh@H_323_0@Ahhhhh@H_323_0@When the glorY daYs are gone@H_323_0@Only one trUth can be trUsted@H_323_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_323_0@It's tIme to part@H_323_0@There's a chance@H_323_0@YoU are gonna toUch the soUl@H_323_0@DaYs and moons@H_323_0@SearchIng for a land of hope@H_323_0@SUfferIngs 'll be paInless@H_323_0@All mIserIes wIll never come@H_323_0@Don't be afraId@H_323_0@EverYthIng's the same@H_323_0@Ahhhhh@H_323_0@Ahhhhh@H_323_0@When the glorY daYs are gone@H_323_0@Only one trUth can be trUsted@H_323_0@It's tIme to part@H_323_0@Ahhhhh@H_323_0@Ahhhhh@H_323_0@TUrnIng whole world UpsIde down@H_323_0@CoUldn't make me feel alIve@H_323_0@Don't leave me@H_323_0@Flee wIth me@H_323_0@Only YoU can break mY Fall@H_323_0@When awake@H_323_0@I see the Light and dark have changed@H_323_0@感谢 凉粉 提供歌词