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Roll The Dice

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / Past Progressive


Roll The DIce

作词:JIm Benz

作曲:JIm Benz

Let's laY It on the table

Not the one to gamble wIth mY heart

So whY YoU @R_164_4187@ to force me to Play?

YoU shoUld know I'm waY too stable

And I'm not gonna tear mY world apart

For sUch a dangeroUs game

BabY everY tIme I gIve It head Up, let YoU Invade mY head

It's lIke I jUst wanna let YoU, bUt I Don't eXpect YoU to staY

And everY tIme that I thInk aboUt everY word that YoU saY

YoU show me how mUch I Don't wanna be safe

So I Roll the dIce

So I Roll the dIce

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

PUt YoUr Money where YoUr moUth Is

We can go all In If YoU want

I'm feelIng Lucky (feelIng Lucky), I'm feelIng Lucky (feelIng Lucky)

And It jUst mIght be the last shot

Keep It one thoUSAnd

GIve me everYthIng or not at all

GIve It to me (gIve It to me), gIve It to me (gIve It to me)

If YoU want to hIt the jackpot

BabY everY tIme I gIve It head Up, let YoU Invade mY head

It's lIke I jUst wanna let YoU, bUt I Don't eXpect YoU to staY

And everY tIme that I thInk aboUt everY word that YoU saY

YoU show me how mUch I Don't wanna be safe

So I Roll the dIce

So I Roll the dIce

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