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歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / Amazing




@H_516_0@JUst lIke a magIc show, two Seven Year olds

@H_516_0@YoU bLow mY mInd

@H_516_0@SomethIng IncredIble lIke a sUperhero

@H_516_0@RescUe me everY tIme

@H_516_0@So manY people saY, saY It lIke everYdaY

@H_516_0@The sImplest three words

@H_516_0@An easY game to Play

@H_516_0@BUt YoU do so mUch more

@H_516_0@YoU never hesItate

@H_516_0@To make sUre I know for sUre

@H_516_0@YoU go all the waY

@H_516_0@How YoU show me that YoU love me

@H_516_0@Is AmazIng

@H_516_0@How YoU show me, that YoU mean It

@H_516_0@It's AmazIng

@H_516_0@YoU gIve me the sUn when I feel blUe

@H_516_0@The moon and The Stars If I ask YoU

@H_516_0@HoneY to me, YoU are trUlY, AmazIng

@H_516_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网

@H_516_0@JUst lIke mY favorIte song,

@H_516_0@I hear YoU and I'm gone, ooooh I can't get enoUgh

@H_516_0@YoU make me wanna sIng, caUse all the lIttle thIngs

@H_516_0@YoU know that mean so mUch

@H_516_0@So manY people saY, saY It lIke everYdaY

@H_516_0@The sImplest three words

@H_516_0@An easY game to Play

@H_516_0@BUt YoU do so mUch more

@H_516_0@YoU never hesItate

@H_516_0@To make sUre I know for sUre

@H_516_0@YoU go all the waY

@H_516_0@How YoU show me that YoU love me

@H_516_0@Is AmazIng

@H_516_0@How YoU show me, that YoU mean It

@H_516_0@It's AmazIng

@H_516_0@YoU gIve me the sUn when I feel blUe

@H_516_0@The moon and The Stars If I ask YoU

@H_516_0@HoneY to me, YoU are trUlY, AmazIng

