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- 致我们终将逝去的青春...
A Whole New World
A Whole New World@H_857_1@
作曲:Alan Menken@H_857_1@
I can show YoU the world@H_857_1@
ShInIng, shImmerIng, splendId.@H_857_1@
Tell me prIncess, now when dId YoU last@H_857_1@
Let YoUr heart decIde?@H_857_1@
Take YoU wonder bY wonder@H_857_1@
Over, sIdewaYs, and Under@H_857_1@
On a magIc carpet rIde@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
A new fantastIc poInt of vIew@H_857_1@
Or where to go@H_857_1@
Or saY we're Only Dreaming@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
A dazzlIng place I never knew@H_857_1@
BUt when I'm waY Up here@H_857_1@
That now I'm In a whole new world wIth YoU@H_857_1@
IndescrIbable feelIng@H_857_1@
SoarIng, tUmblIng, freewheelIng@H_857_1@
ThroUgh an endless dIamond skY@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
(AladdIn: Don't YoU dare close YoUr eYes)@H_857_1@
An hUndred thoUSAnd thIngs to see@H_857_1@
(AladdIn: Hold YoUr breath - It gets better)@H_857_1@
I'm lIke a shootIng star@H_857_1@
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_857_1@
I can't go back to where I Used to be@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
WIth new horIzons to pUrsUe@H_857_1@
I'll chase them anYwhere@H_857_1@
There's tIme to spare@H_857_1@
Let me share thIs whole new world wIth YoU@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
A new fantastIc poInt of vIew@H_857_1@
Or where to go@H_857_1@
Or saY we're Only Dreaming@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
(JasmIne: EverY tUrn a sUrprIse)@H_857_1@
WIth new horIzons to pUrsUe@H_857_1@
(JasmIne: EverY moment, red-letter)@H_857_1@
I'll chase them anYwhere@H_857_1@
There's tIme to spare@H_857_1@
AnYwhere,there's tIme to spare@H_857_1@
Let me share thIs whole new world wIth YoU@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
A whole new world@H_857_1@
That's where we'll be@H_857_1@
《A Whole New World》歌词由查歌词收集整理
Dust my shoulders off(& Timbaland)下一个歌词