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Fighting Shadows(& Big Sean)
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / 电影魔鬼终结者 5
@H_235_0@张靓颖@H_235_0@FIghtIng Shadows(& BIg Sean)@H_235_0@电影魔鬼终结者 5 创世契机全球主题曲@H_235_0@作词:ErIc DawkIns, Jane Zhang, BIg Sean@H_235_0@作曲:KIng Logan@H_235_0@编曲:KIng Logan, RoYal CoUrt@H_235_0@No more rUnnIng@H_235_0@We are on the edge@H_235_0@Of what coUld be the end@H_235_0@Don't come anY closer to me@H_235_0@I gUarantee YoU@H_235_0@That's not what YoU want@H_235_0@I'm sUre YoU thoUght@H_235_0@That I woUld jUst laY down@H_235_0@BUt YoU were wrong@H_235_0@GIve me all YoU got@H_235_0@Don't hold nothIng back@H_235_0@PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It@H_235_0@Take YoUr best shot@H_235_0@I'll jUst gIve It back@H_235_0@I'm on the wInnIng sIde@H_235_0@We won't be defeated@H_235_0@Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh@H_235_0@I'm not afraId to dIe@H_235_0@CaUse lIfe Is a battle@H_235_0@BUt fIghtIng me It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows@H_235_0@No SUrrender@H_235_0@I know how thIs ends@H_235_0@I've been there@H_235_0@And It doesn't look good for YoU@H_235_0@Don't come anY closer to me@H_235_0@I gUarantee YoU@H_235_0@That's not what YoU want@H_235_0@I'm sUre YoU thoUght@H_235_0@That I woUld jUst laY down@H_235_0@BUt YoU were wrong@H_235_0@GIve me all YoU got@H_235_0@Don't hold nothIng back@H_235_0@PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It@H_235_0@Take YoUr best shot@H_235_0@I'll jUst gIve It back@H_235_0@I'm on the wInnIng sIde@H_235_0@We won't be defeated@H_235_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_235_0@Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh@H_235_0@Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh@H_235_0@I'm not afraId to dIe@H_235_0@CaUse lIfe Is a battle@H_235_0@BUt fIghtIng me It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows@H_235_0@(Rap)@H_235_0@OkaY. It's all aboUt sUrvIval@H_235_0@I'm doIng whatever's lIable@H_235_0@To spend a daY and a nIght wIth me, probablY coUld wrIte a novel@H_235_0@I'm goIng throUgh hell and back, so everY room got a BIble@H_235_0@MY enemIes and mY rIvals Is probablY wIthIn a mIle@H_235_0@I'm readY@H_235_0@TheY want me to laY down@H_235_0@Or staY down bUt that aIn't mY fate now@H_235_0@I'm a hUndred percent If YoU're testIng mY faIth@H_235_0@That I'm from a cItY where war Is a PlaygroUnd@H_235_0@I've been lIvIng rIght and wrong@H_235_0@HonestlY, It's jUst so mUch to saY@H_235_0@BUt Only God coUld jUdge me@H_235_0@If I dIe todaY, It's JUdgment DaY@H_235_0@StraIght Up@H_235_0@GIve me all YoU got@H_235_0@Don't hold nothIng back@H_235_0@PromIse YoU YoU're gonna need It@H_235_0@Take YoUr best shot@H_235_0@I'll jUst gIve It back@H_235_0@I'm on the wInnIng sIde@H_235_0@We won't be defeated@H_235_0@Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh@H_235_0@Wo Oh Oh Oh Oh@H_235_0@I'm not afraId to dIe@H_235_0@CaUse lIfe Is a battle@H_235_0@BUt fIghtIng me It'll be lIke fIghtIng shadows
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