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Think Like a Man

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张靓颖 / Past Progressive
What YoU talkIng 'boUt
BabY I don't even know hIs name
Don't be so jealoUs
It wasn't me
It wasn't me
I never meant to do It
I know I pUt YoU throUgh It
No matter what I saY
YoU don't trUst me anYwaY
YoU know that YoU're mY babY
I know YoU probablY Hate Me
YoU Hate Me don't 'cha
What goes aroUnd comes back aroUnd
And that's okaY
I shoUld break YoUr heart
I shoUld make It hard
So hard
WoUld that hUrt YoU over and over agaIn
Over agaIn over agaIn Yeah
If I Played YoUr games
WoUld YoU feel the same
BoY how does It feel when I thInk lIke a man

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Black Market
Work for it (Remix)