电视剧 武动乾坤之英雄...
Pretty White Lies
电影 我不是药神
电视剧 远大前程
电视剧 烈火如歌
电视 择天记
电影 间谍同盟
Pretty White Lies
OA(原词):NIck AtkI/nson/Edd HolLowaY/Jake Roche/DannY WIlkIn/CHarley Bagnall/LewI Morgan
OC(原曲):NIck AtkI/nson/Edd HolLowaY/Jake Roche/DannY WIlkIn/CHarley Bagnall/LewI Morgan
Arranger(编曲):NIck AtkInson and Edd HolLowaY on behalf of The Barn ProdUctIons
ProdUcer(制作人):Jason Zhang 张杰/NIck AtkInson and Edd HolLowaY on behalf of The Barn ProdUctIons/RadIo Mars 火星电台
I'm goIng oUt of mY mInd thInkIng YoU gonna leave
So If there Is doUbt pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
I know There Is somethIng YoU're not tellIng me
Are YoU FallIng oUt of love love love love
Late nIght taXI rIde On mY waY to make It rIght
Tell me what I got to do
DrUnk hIgh startIng fIres AlwaYs need to compromIse EverYBody knows bUt YoU
So tell me have I lost mY toUch
I'm goIng oUt of mY mInd thInkIng YoU gonna leave
So If there Is doUbt pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
I know there Is somethIng YoU're not tellIng me
Are YoU FallIng oUt of love love love love
When YoU go oUt everY nIght are YoU thInkIng of me
JUst tell me now pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
JUst show me somethIng that I can belIeve
Have YoU Fallen oUt of love love love love
MaYbe I'm paranoId I shoUld jUst Ignore the voIce ScreamIng oUt Inside mY braIn
更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网
So tell me have I lost mY toUch
I'm goIng oUt of mY mInd thInkIng YoU gonna leave
So If there Is doUbt pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
I know there Is somethIng YoU're not tellIng me
Are YoU FallIng oUt of love love love love
When YoU go oUt everY nIght are YoU thInkIng of me
JUst tell me now
JUst show me somethIng that I can belIeve
Have YoU Fallen oUt of love love love love
YoUr prettY whIte lIes jUst soUnd lIke eXcUses
YoUr prettY whIte lIes are leadIng me on
That look In YoU eYes Is makIng me lose It
Are YoU FallIng oUt of love love love love
I'm goIng oUt of mY mInd thInkIng YoU gonna leave
So If there Is doUbt pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
I know there Is somethIng YoU're not tellIng me
Are YoU FallIng oUt of love love love love
When YoU go oUt everY nIght are YoU thInkIng of me
JUst tell me now pUt me oUt of mY mIserY
JUst show me somethIng that I can belIeve
Have YoU Fallen oUt of love love love love
感谢 菲妮克斯 提供歌词
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