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Give You My World

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 张杰 / 电影 间谍同盟


GIve YoU MY World@H_457_1@

作词:James Alan&Peter Svensson&Johan Carlson@H_457_1@

作曲:MaX MartIn@H_457_1@

YoU have gIven me love@H_457_1@

beYond border lInes@H_457_1@

Mended broken pIeces of me long left behInd@H_457_1@

And If I knew It meant YoUr happIness woUld be assUred@H_457_1@

I'd scale the tallest moUntaInside and walk the ocean floor@H_457_1@

The ImpossIble Is possIble as I am YoUrs@H_457_1@

And If I had mY waY@H_457_1@

TIme woUld stop Tomorrow Forever and a daY@H_457_1@

Is not enoUgh to share wIth YoU@H_457_1@

No less than YoU deserve@H_457_1@

I promIse I wIll gIve YoU@H_457_1@

More than jUst mY word@H_457_1@

I'll gIve YoU mY world , I'll gIve YoU mY world@H_457_1@

Now As we all mUst let the force of fate decIde@H_457_1@

I wIll bear no regret wIth YoU here bY mY sIde@H_457_1@

更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网@H_457_1@

When the hoUr Is at hand that I mUst saY goodbYe@H_457_1@

I wIll gladlY meet mY end knowIng well that I@H_457_1@

FoUnd In YoU the greatest happIness of all mY lIfe@H_457_1@

And If I had mY waY@H_457_1@

TIme woUld stop Tomorrow@H_457_1@

Forever and a daY@H_457_1@

Is not enoUgh to share wIth YoU@H_457_1@

No less than YoU deserve@H_457_1@

I promIse I'll gIve YoU@H_457_1@

More than jUst mY word@H_457_1@

I'll gIve YoU mY world@H_457_1@

More than jUst mY word@H_457_1@

I'll gIve YoU mY world@H_457_1@

I'll gIve YoU mY world@H_457_1@

I'll gIve YoU mY world@H_457_1@

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Everything Will Say Goodbye