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Bizarre Love Triangle

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 张惠妹 / 旅程
bIzarre love trIangle

everY tIme I thInk of YoU
I get a shot rIght throUgh
Into a bolt of blUe
It`s no problem of mIne
bUt It`s a problem I fInd
lIvIng the lIfe that I can`t leave behInd
there`s no sense In tellIng me
the wIsdom of a fool won`t set YoU free
bUt that`s the waY that It goes
and It`s what noBody knows
and everY daY mY confUsIon grows

everY tIme I see YoU FallIng
I get down on mY knees and praY
I`m waItIng for the fInal moment
YoU saY the words that I can`t saY
I feel fIne and I feel good
I feel lIke I never shoUld
whenever I get thIs waY
I jUst don`t know what to saY
whY can`t we be oUrselves lIke we were YesterdaY
I`m not sUre what thIs coUld mean
I Don`t thInk YoU`re what YoU seem
I Do admIt to mYself
that If I hUrt @R_925_1575@ else
then I`ll never see jUst what we`re meant to be


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