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What Now My Love

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 叶倩文 / 港乐·叶倩文
What now @R_723_1840@
Now that YoU left me
How can I lIve throUgh another daY
WatchIng mY dreams tUrn Into ashes
And all mY hopes Into bIts of claY
Once I coUld see
once I coUld feel
Now I'm a nUmb
I've become Unreal
I walk the nIght oh
wIthoUt a goal
StrIpped of mY heart
mY soUl
What now @R_723_1840@
Now that It's over
I feel the world closIng In on me
Here comes The Stars
TUmblIng aroUnd me
And there's the skY where the sea shoUld be
What now @R_723_1840@
Now that YoU're gone
I'd be a fool to go on and on
No one woUld care
no one woUld crY
If I shoUld lIve or dIe
What now @R_723_1840@
Now there Is nothIng
Only mY last goodbYe

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