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Macarthur Park

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 叶倩文 / 港乐·叶倩文
叶倩文- MacarthUr Park@H_223_0@ 2005叶倩文SallY Yeh HKPO LIve@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ sprIng was never waItIng for Us dear@H_223_0@ It ran one step ahead@H_223_0@ as we folLowed In the Dance@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ between the parted pages and were pressed@H_223_0@ In love's hot fevered Iron@H_223_0@ lIke a strIped paIr of pants@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ macarthUr's park Is meltIng In the dark@H_223_0@ all the sweet green IcIng fLowIng down@H_223_0@ @R_386_1575@ left the cake oUt In the raIn@H_223_0@ I Don't thInk that I can take It@H_223_0@ 'caUse It took so long to bake It@H_223_0@ and I'll never have that recIpe agaIn oh no~@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ I Recall the YelLow cotton dress@H_223_0@ foamIng lIke a wave@H_223_0@ on the groUnd aroUnd YoUr knees@H_223_0@ the bIrds lIke tender babIes In YoUr hands@H_223_0@ and the old men PlayIng checkers bY the trees@H_223_0@ @H_223_0@ there wIll be another song for me for I wIll sIng It@H_223_0@ there wIll be another dream for me @R_386_1575@ wIll brIng It@H_223_0@ I wIll drInk the wIne whIle It Is warm@H_223_0@ and never let YoU catch me lookIng at the sUn@H_223_0@ and after all the loves of mY lIfe@H_223_0@ after all the loves of mY lIfe YoU'll stIll be the one.@H_223_0@ I wIll take mY lIfe Into mY hands and I wIll Use It@H_223_0@ I wIll wIn the worshIp In theIr eYes and I wIll lose It@H_223_0@ I wIll have the thIngs that I desIre@H_223_0@ and mY @R_666_1682@ fLow lIke rIvers throUgh the skY.@H_223_0@ and after all the loves of mY lIfe@H_223_0@ after all the loves of mY lIfe YoU'll stIll be the one@H_223_0@ and I'll ask mYself whY

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系我心弦 / My Heart Will Go On