Now's My Prime ...
一辈子 华纳精选34首
华纳我爱经典系列 叶倩...
叶蒨文国语 24K Maste...
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 叶倩文 / 畅销精选集
It won't be easY, YoU'll thInk It strange
When I Try to eXplaIn how I feel
That I stIll need YoUr love after all that I've done
YoU won't belIeve me
All YoU wIll see Is a gIrl YoU once knew
AlthoUgh she's dressed Up to the nInes
At sIXes and @R_623_2253@s wIth YoU
I had to let It happen, I had to change
CoUldn't staY all mY lIfe down at heel
LookIng oUt of the wIndow, staYIng oUt of the sUn
So I chose freedom
RUnnIng aroUnd, TryIng everYthIng new
BUt nothIng Impressed me at all
I never eXpected It to
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence
I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
And as for fortUne, and as for fame
I never InvIted them In
ThoUgh It seems to the world theY were all I desIred
TheY are IllUsIons
TheY're not the solUtIons theY promIsed to be
The answer was here all the tIme
I love YoU and hope YoU love me
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence
I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
Have I saId too mUch?
There's nothIng more I can thInk of to saY To You
BUt all YoU have to do Is look at me
To know that everY word Is trUe
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
When I Try to eXplaIn how I feel
That I stIll need YoUr love after all that I've done
YoU won't belIeve me
All YoU wIll see Is a gIrl YoU once knew
AlthoUgh she's dressed Up to the nInes
At sIXes and @R_623_2253@s wIth YoU
I had to let It happen, I had to change
CoUldn't staY all mY lIfe down at heel
LookIng oUt of the wIndow, staYIng oUt of the sUn
So I chose freedom
RUnnIng aroUnd, TryIng everYthIng new
BUt nothIng Impressed me at all
I never eXpected It to
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence
I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
And as for fortUne, and as for fame
I never InvIted them In
ThoUgh It seems to the world theY were all I desIred
TheY are IllUsIons
TheY're not the solUtIons theY promIsed to be
The answer was here all the tIme
I love YoU and hope YoU love me
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
Don't crY for me ArgentIna
The trUth Is I never left YoU
All throUgh mY wIld daYs
MY mad eXIstence
I kept mY promIse
Don't keep YoUr dIstance
Have I saId too mUch?
There's nothIng more I can thInk of to saY To You
BUt all YoU have to do Is look at me
To know that everY word Is trUe
Don't crY for me ArgentIna