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Better Off Alone

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 王力宏 / 如果你听见我的歌
albUm:如果你听见我的歌@H_323_0@ 王力宏-better off alone@H_323_0@ 作词:王力宏 作曲:王力宏@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ If I wsa the north wInd@H_323_0@ woUld YoU stop and shoot the breeze@H_323_0@ and If I was a mIrror@H_323_0@ YoU woUld get close as YoU coUld be@H_323_0@ If I was a candle@H_323_0@ woUld YoU hold me gentlY@H_323_0@ bUt If I was to love YoU@H_323_0@ oh, YoU woUld rUn awaY from me@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ (Yes YoU woUld)@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ the water In the most@H_323_0@ was hIgh to help protect the qUeen@H_323_0@ and I was on the other sIde@H_323_0@ wIth a drawbrIdge In between@H_323_0@ I waIted at the gate@H_323_0@ bUt YoU were never to be seen@H_323_0@ and brIdges bUrn mUch easIer@H_323_0@ If YoU'er UsIng kerosene@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ (heh, heh, heh…)@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ (chorUs)@H_323_0@ and I woUld hold mY own@H_323_0@ jUst to ascend that throne@H_323_0@ thoUgh all mY frIends at home tell me I'm@H_323_0@ better off alone@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ and all the tales YoU told@H_323_0@ aboUt trUe love got old@H_323_0@ caUse In the end @H_323_0@ YoU showed me how YoUr@H_323_0@ love was so, so cold, babY……ow@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ Seven daYs a week @H_323_0@ I call YoU jUst to hear YoU saY:@H_323_0@ " boY, I've got a thIng for YoU @H_323_0@ bUt there reallY Is no waY. "@H_323_0@ even so I know YoU love me @H_323_0@ more and more each daY@H_323_0@ YoU tell me I'm the Only one @H_323_0@ when YoUr boYfrIend Is awaY(oh no)@H_323_0@ (chorUs)@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ and I woUld hold mY own@H_323_0@ jUst to ascend that throne@H_323_0@ thoUgh all mY frIends at home tell me I'm@H_323_0@ better off alone@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ and all the tales YoU told@H_323_0@ aboUt trUe love got old@H_323_0@ caUse In the end @H_323_0@ YoU showed me how YoUr@H_323_0@ love was so, so cold, babY……ow@H_323_0@ @H_323_0@ 歌词大全www.chagecI.cn

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