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Wild Flower

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 王杰 / 向太阳怒吼
作词:D.RIcharclson/D.Edwards@H_623_0@ 作曲:D.RIcharclson/D.Edwards@H_623_0@ 编曲:陈志远 制作人:陈秀男@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ mUsIc@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ she's faced the hardest tImes YoU coUld Image@H_623_0@ and manY tImes her eYes foUght back me tears@H_623_0@ and when her YoUthfUl world was aboUt to Fall In@H_623_0@ each tIme her slender shoUlder@H_623_0@ bore the weIght of all her tears@H_623_0@ and a sorrow no one hears@H_623_0@ stIll rIngs In mIdnIght sIlence In her ears@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ let her crY for she's a ladY@H_623_0@ let her dream for she's a chIld@H_623_0@ let the raIn Fall down Upon her@H_623_0@ she's a free and gentle fLower growIng wIld@H_623_0@ she's a fLower growIng wIld@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ and If bY chance I shoUld hold her@H_623_0@ let me hold her for a tIme@H_623_0@ and If alLowed bUt one possessIon@H_623_0@ I woUld pIck her from the garden to be mIne@H_623_0@ @H_623_0@ be carefUl how YoU toUch she'll awaken@H_623_0@ and sleep the Only freedom that she knows@H_623_0@ and when YoU walk Into her eYes YoU won't belIeve@H_623_0@ the waY she's alwaYs paYIng for a debt she never owes@H_623_0@ and a sIlent wInd stIll bLows that Only she can hear@H_623_0@ and so she goes

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