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歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / TFBOYS /


@H_168_0@Sleep cold In these sheets


@H_168_0@After all these daYs


@H_168_0@know It Feels the same




@H_168_0@Chase awaY dreams


@H_168_0@Of a love so close


@H_168_0@When I meant the most


@H_168_0@Wrapped In all these Memories and moonLight


@H_168_0@Don't let me forget them when I close mY eYes

@H_168_0@就让我在闭上双眼时 铭记于

@H_168_0@Love no I can't forget thIs love

@H_168_0@爱 我怎会遗忘这份深情

@H_168_0@know It kIlls me to relIve what's gone



@H_168_0@BUt I can't get enoUgh of long lost


@H_168_0@Love know I mIss the daYs of Us

@H_168_0@爱 明知我怀念曾经的美好

@H_168_0@know we trIed and paId the hIghest cost

@H_168_0@也明知我们已竭尽全力 付出了沉重的代价

@H_168_0@SleeplesslY I'll dream of what I've lost

@H_168_0@彻夜无眠 幻想着我失去的一切

@H_168_0@SleeplesslY I'll dream of what I've lost

@H_168_0@彻夜无眠 幻想着我失去的一切

@H_168_0@Sleep cold In these sheets

@H_168_0@更多歌词都可以来 chagecI.cn 查歌词网


@H_168_0@After all these daYs


@H_168_0@know It Feels the same




@H_168_0@Chase awaY dreams


@H_168_0@Of a love so close


@H_168_0@When I meant the most


@H_168_0@Wrapped In all these Memories and moonLight


@H_168_0@Don't let me forget them when I close mY eYes

@H_168_0@就让我在闭上双眼时 铭记于

@H_168_0@Love no I can't forget thIs love

@H_168_0@爱 我怎会遗忘这份深情

@H_168_0@know It kIlls me to relIve what's gone


@H_168_0@BUt I can't get enoUgh of long lost


@H_168_0@Love know I mIss the daYs of Us

@H_168_0@爱 明知我怀念曾经的美好

@H_168_0@know we trIed and paId the hIghest cost

@H_168_0@也明知我们已竭尽全力 付出了沉重的代价

@H_168_0@SleeplesslY I'll dream of what I've lost

@H_168_0@彻夜无眠 幻想着我失去的一切

@H_168_0@SleeplesslY I'll dream of what I've lost

@H_168_0@彻夜无眠 幻想着我失去的一切

@H_168_0@感谢 停在159的四叶草 @H_166_138@ 提供歌词

@H_168_0@感谢 柚子 添福宝_酷鱼儿 ...... @H_166_138@ 修正歌词

