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Love Trap

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 谭咏麟 / 我真的和他们不同
Love trap 谭咏麟@H_160_0@ 作曲:芹泽广明 填词:Linda HennrIck @H_160_0@ 编曲:入江纯 语言:英语 @H_160_0@ 收录于大碟:THUNDER ARM(1986)/半梦半之间(1988)/我真的和他们不同(1990) @H_160_0@ 其它版本:爱情陷阱(粤语)/爱情陷阱(陈晓东)(粤语)@H_160_0@ /爱情陷阱(谭咏麟、陈晓东)(粤语)/爱情陷阱(SpecIal ClUb MIX)(粤语)@H_160_0@ @H_160_0@ YoU were a temptatIon I coUld not resIst the baIt@H_160_0@ Now I look aroUnd me and I fInd there's no escape@H_160_0@ I am lIke a flY caUght Up In a black wIdow's web@H_160_0@ Help me@H_160_0@ What a fool I was not to have seen throUgh YoUr dIsgUIse@H_160_0@ BUt YoUr beaUtY blInded me It took me bY sUrprIse@H_160_0@ I shoUld have known better than to@H_160_0@ lIsten To Your prettY alIbIs@H_160_0@ I had a notIon to taste the potIon of love YoU gave me@H_160_0@ Now that It's too late how well I see@H_160_0@ Love's a tender trap BUt there's to tUrnIn' back@H_160_0@ No no not for me I'm a vIctIm of YoUr sweet deceptIon@H_160_0@ And now I can't break free@H_160_0@ Love's a tender trap BUt there's no tUrnIn' back@H_160_0@ I fell In too deep@H_160_0@ Down, down, I'm sInkIn' down@H_160_0@ Help me, help me, help me@H_160_0@ Love Is a trap@H_160_0@ When I heard YoU callIng I jUst coUldn't help mYself@H_160_0@ I knew I was FallIng bUt It seemed lIke @R_837_1575@ else@H_160_0@ YoU sneaked Up behInd pUshed me rIght on over the edge@H_160_0@ Help me@H_160_0@ YoU know I stIll love YoU thoUgh YoU treat me lIke YoU do@H_160_0@ How can YoU jUst stand there Oh how can YoU be so crUel@H_160_0@ YoU know YoU can save me@H_160_0@ BUt YoU lock the door and throw awaY The Key

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