- 爱的天堂
- 让爱天天住我家
- 好久没回家
- 烛光里的妈妈
- 故乡的云
- 宝贝
- 爸爸妈妈
- 想起老妈妈
- 梨花又开放
- 妈妈儿远在天涯
- 草帽歌
- 故乡
- 妈妈从我梦中走来
- Where Are You Now?
- Let Me Whisper In Your Ear
- Annie
- The Sheik Of Araby
- Winning Or Losing
- Love Of The Only Kind
- 幻影 (国语版)
- 音乐大本型
- 废青
- 麟选:谭咏麟的银河岁...
- 天塌下来也能睡
- 星夜的呼唤
- The Kings Of Polygra...
- The Kings Of PolyGra...
- 阿Sam与阿Tam (Classi...
- 阿Sam与阿Tam (Happy ...
- 欣赏
- 最酷的天才
- 男人悲剧
- 棒棒哒
- 40th Anniversary 银河...
- 银河岁月 The 40th An...
- 708090后
The Sheik Of Araby
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 谭咏麟 / 心手相连
作曲:芹泽广明 填词:Linda hennrIck
编曲:矢岛贤 语言: 英语
收录于大碟:hello! Solitude(1987)/心手相连(1988)
down at the oasIs
foreIgn legIon's waItIng
wIth banners wavIng
and wIth sabers hIgh
readY to face the enemY
then oUt of the desert
rIdes a man on horseback
the sheIk of arabY
Up there on the sIlver screen
larger than lIfe
a hero to the end
he woUld alwaYs wIn the fIght
I can close mY eYes and see
the sheIk of arabY
rIdIng tall and free
off Into the desert once agaIn
as a boY I Used to dream
one daY I'd grow to be
as fIne a man as he
the sheIk of arabY
down at the oasIs
there's a camel waItIng
the nIght Is spangled
bY a tho@R_168_3952@nd stars
the leadIng ladY sIps her tea
then oUt of the sUnset
rIdes a man on horseback
the sheIk of arabY
when she'd see hIm she woUld Fall
Into hIs arms
a lover to the end
he woUld alwaYs wIn her heart
编曲:矢岛贤 语言: 英语
收录于大碟:hello! Solitude(1987)/心手相连(1988)
down at the oasIs
foreIgn legIon's waItIng
wIth banners wavIng
and wIth sabers hIgh
readY to face the enemY
then oUt of the desert
rIdes a man on horseback
the sheIk of arabY
Up there on the sIlver screen
larger than lIfe
a hero to the end
he woUld alwaYs wIn the fIght
I can close mY eYes and see
the sheIk of arabY
rIdIng tall and free
off Into the desert once agaIn
as a boY I Used to dream
one daY I'd grow to be
as fIne a man as he
the sheIk of arabY
down at the oasIs
there's a camel waItIng
the nIght Is spangled
bY a tho@R_168_3952@nd stars
the leadIng ladY sIps her tea
then oUt of the sUnset
rIdes a man on horseback
the sheIk of arabY
when she'd see hIm she woUld Fall
Into hIs arms
a lover to the end
he woUld alwaYs wIn her heart
《The Sheik Of Araby》歌词由查歌词收集整理
Winning Or Losing
Winning Or Losing