Friend of mine (成龙合唱版)
Friend Of Mine
This Crazy Heart
I Love You So
Where Are You Now?
Good Old Rock 'n' Roll
Love Trap
Where Is The Lady?
Fighting Man
Feel Like A Million
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银河岁月 The 40th An...
I Love You So
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 谭咏麟 / 龙兄虎弟电影原声大碟
作词:Linda hennrIck
goodbYe My Loved one
I know YoU are leavIng
I've had thIs feelIng
a long long tIme
what can I tell YoU
that I haven't saId before
oh Is there nothIng I can do
to change YoUr mInd
oh how It hUrts me
knowIn' YoU don't love me
YoU've got another
YoU're thInkIn' of
If I had mY waY
wIth me YoU woUld alwaYs staY
oh darlIn' tIme can't take awaY
My Love for YoU
and If the daY shoUld ever come
that YoU regret what YoU have done
and If hIs love shoUld prove UntrUe
remember how I feel for YoU
and If YoU ever mIss the love
that we Used to know
then darlIn' hUrrY back to me
I love YoU so
goodbYe My Loved one
as YoU tUrn to leave me
YoU mUst belIeve me
that's from mY heart
I wIsh YoU happIness
I wIsh YoU the verY best
oh promIse YoU wIll not forget
thoUgh we're apart
well I won't stop YoU
@R_575_3668@n't have the rIght to
what YoU decIde to do
Is Up To You
and @R_575_3668@n't know when
we wIll ever meet agaIn
so let me hold YoU jUst once more
before YoU go
goodbYe My Loved one
I know YoU are leavIng
I've had thIs feelIng
a long long tIme
what can I tell YoU
that I haven't saId before
oh Is there nothIng I can do
to change YoUr mInd
oh how It hUrts me
knowIn' YoU don't love me
YoU've got another
YoU're thInkIn' of
If I had mY waY
wIth me YoU woUld alwaYs staY
oh darlIn' tIme can't take awaY
My Love for YoU
and If the daY shoUld ever come
that YoU regret what YoU have done
and If hIs love shoUld prove UntrUe
remember how I feel for YoU
and If YoU ever mIss the love
that we Used to know
then darlIn' hUrrY back to me
I love YoU so
goodbYe My Loved one
as YoU tUrn to leave me
YoU mUst belIeve me
that's from mY heart
I wIsh YoU happIness
I wIsh YoU the verY best
oh promIse YoU wIll not forget
thoUgh we're apart
well I won't stop YoU
@R_575_3668@n't have the rIght to
what YoU decIde to do
Is Up To You
and @R_575_3668@n't know when
we wIll ever meet agaIn
so let me hold YoU jUst once more
before YoU go
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This Crazy Heart下一个歌词
Where Are You Now?
This Crazy Heart下一个歌词
Where Are You Now?