- 孟姜女
- 放马山歌
- 马桑树儿搭灯台
- 心上人像达玛花
- 今日苗山歌最多
- 海风阵阵愁煞人
- 东南西北兵
- 好故事
- 兵哥哥
- 长大后我就成了你
- 放马山歌
- 爱我中华
- 马桑树儿搭灯台
- 野玫瑰
- 好日子
- 心上人像达玛花
- 孟姜女
- 大地飞歌
- 龙船调
- 今日苗山歌最多
歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 谭晶 / 维也纳金色大厅独唱音乐会
That thIngs'll alwaYs go YoUr waY, sUch a long shot
Been so deep In the hole, never thoUght I'd come oUt
AnYthIng can happen, I know that now
One slIp, one Fall
A tUrn of the head can change It all
A step ahead, a step behInd
A blInk of an eYe at the wrong tIme
North, SoUth, East and West
SpIn the wheel and hope for the best
No regrets And It's on we @R_575_3732@
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Walk tall and awaY YoU go
Wheels @R_575_3732@ and the Whistle wIll bLow
ManY mIles oh I maY roam
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
He was holdIng on, he trUsted me, then he slIpped awaY
He fell hard and now I've jUst got mYself to blame
When he Smiled at me fInallY I came aroUnd
YoU can't worrY, YoU never know so don't beat YoUrself down
One slIp, one Fall
A tUrn of the head can change It all
A step ahead, a step behInd
A blInk of an eYe at the wrong tIme
North, SoUth, East and West
SpIn the wheel and hope for the best
No regrets And It's on we @R_575_3732@
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Walk tall and awaY YoU go
Wheels @R_575_3732@ and the Whistle wIll bLow
ManY mIles oh I maY roam
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
In mY darkest hoUr, mY longest daY
Oh mY mInd was a prIson
I coUld feel It takIng me down to staY
Then I saId "Forget thIs", It's oUt of YoUr hands anYwaY
North, SoUth, East and West
SpIn the wheel and hope for the best
ManY mIles oh I maY roam
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Wheels @R_575_3732@ and the Whistle wIll bLow
Walk tall and awaY YoU go
No regrets And It's on we @R_575_3732@
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Oh where I go I'll go I jUst don't know
PIck mYself Up and @R_575_3732@, @R_575_3732@
Up ahead can't see It all
Take It sLow, let the cards Fall
Been so deep In the hole, never thoUght I'd come oUt
AnYthIng can happen, I know that now
One slIp, one Fall
A tUrn of the head can change It all
A step ahead, a step behInd
A blInk of an eYe at the wrong tIme
North, SoUth, East and West
SpIn the wheel and hope for the best
No regrets And It's on we @R_575_3732@
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Walk tall and awaY YoU go
Wheels @R_575_3732@ and the Whistle wIll bLow
ManY mIles oh I maY roam
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
He was holdIng on, he trUsted me, then he slIpped awaY
He fell hard and now I've jUst got mYself to blame
When he Smiled at me fInallY I came aroUnd
YoU can't worrY, YoU never know so don't beat YoUrself down
One slIp, one Fall
A tUrn of the head can change It all
A step ahead, a step behInd
A blInk of an eYe at the wrong tIme
North, SoUth, East and West
SpIn the wheel and hope for the best
No regrets And It's on we @R_575_3732@
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Walk tall and awaY YoU go
Wheels @R_575_3732@ and the Whistle wIll bLow
ManY mIles oh I maY roam
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
In mY darkest hoUr, mY longest daY
Oh mY mInd was a prIson
I coUld feel It takIng me down to staY
Then I saId "Forget thIs", It's oUt of YoUr hands anYwaY
North, SoUth, East and West
SpIn the wheel and hope for the best
ManY mIles oh I maY roam
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Wheels @R_575_3732@ and the Whistle wIll bLow
Walk tall and awaY YoU go
No regrets And It's on we @R_575_3732@
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
PUt It In drIve and set the crUIse control
Oh where I go I'll go I jUst don't know
PIck mYself Up and @R_575_3732@, @R_575_3732@
Up ahead can't see It all
Take It sLow, let the cards Fall