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歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / 苏打绿 / 冬 未了
I'm so In love wIth YoU In the mornIng. @H_516_0@ When I start to thInk of YoU, tears are FallIng. @H_516_0@ It doesn't matter no one sees YoU bleedIng. @H_516_0@ BUt I want YoU to know that I hear YoU crYIng. @H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ YoU saId: "AnYone can show me where to be?" @H_516_0@ "AnYone can show me where to be?" @H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ YoU have a heart that I stIll belIeve In. @H_516_0@ YoU'll never lose It If YoU Try to stop all the fIghtIng. @H_516_0@ It doesn't matter If YoU feel lIke nothIng. @H_516_0@ YoU know I love YoU and I'll sIng the song wIth blessIng. @H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ SIng It:@H_516_0@ "EverYone can show YoU where to lIve." @H_516_0@ "EverYone can show YoU where to lIve." @H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ "EverYone can show me where to be. "@H_516_0@ "EverYone can show me where to lIve. "@H_516_0@ "EverYone can show me where to be. "@H_516_0@ "EverYone can show me where to breathe. "@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ "EverYone shoUld know we have to gIve. "@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ 制作人ProdUcer/林暐哲WIll LIn@H_516_0@ 制作统筹ProdUctIon CoordInatIon/谢馨仪ClaIre HsIeh@H_516_0@ 管弦乐编写OrchestratIon/龚钰祺YU ChI KUng@H_516_0@ 演奏、演唱InstrUments&Vocals/苏打绿Sodagreen@H_516_0@ 吉编写、演奏GUItars/钟承洋Cheng Yang ChUng@H_516_0@ 合声、合声编写ChorUs/吴峰QIng Feng WU@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ 交响乐团指挥CondUctor/Bernd RUf@H_516_0@ 交响乐团Orchestra/BUdapest Art Orchestra@H_516_0@ 交响乐录音制作Orchestra RecordIng ProdUcer/DavId ChrIstIansen, MIklós LUkács@H_516_0@ ProTools录音工程ProTools EngIneer/MIklós LUkács Sr.@H_516_0@ 交响乐录音师SoUnd EngIneer/Gabor BUczko@H_516_0@ 乐谱整理Score PreparatIon/EMotionscore@H_516_0@ 录音公司CompanY/East ConnectIon MUsIc RecordIng CO.@H_516_0@ 交响乐录音室RecordIng VenUe/HUngarIan RadIo, StUdIo No.22, BUdapest布达佩斯@H_516_0@ 合唱团ChoIr/台北爱乐合唱团TaIpeI PhIlharmonIc ChorUs, 经理ChorUs Manager/庄馥鸿FUHUng Johnson ChUang@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ 苏打绿录音师EngIneer/柯宗佑EUgene Ke@H_516_0@ 苏打绿录音室Band StUdIos/@H_516_0@ Monster StUdIo, TaIpeI台北@H_516_0@ 杨大纬录音工作室DavId Yang's StUdIo, TaIpeI台北@H_516_0@ 混音工程MIXIng EngIneer/Peter SchmIdt@Ballsaal-StUdIos, BerlIn柏林@H_516_0@ 母带后期处理MasterIng EngIneer/Greg CalbI@SterlIng SoUnd, New York纽约@H_516_0@ @H_516_0@ OP:林暐哲音乐社有限公司WIllIn MUsIc Ltd.@H_516_0@ SP:台湾环球版权有限公司UnIversal MUsIc Ltd., TaIwan@H_516_0@ ISRC TW-F67-15-00211

