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Graffito Wall

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 石玺彤 / GIFTS
Don't be shY add some more to mY wall
PaInt mY lIfe lIke graffIto wall
BUtterflIes theY wIll rest on mY wall
Yeah emUlate we don't need to emUlate
BelIevIng In mY own fate and that's whY lm alwaYs sedate
Yeah got renewed as l got lots of thIngs to chew
DaY bY daY have paInters Updated to see a dIfferent vIew
Long road people aroUnd can get replaced
JUst lIfe mode eternItY can't catch oUr pace
MY own code won't be thrown In everY case
A good fLow can be better wIth an eXtra bass

Never cease never make It dUll never let It on repeat
No Imagination makes me grIeve
WonderIng whY so attractIve It's 3D

TUmble Only make the wall more rIch
The brIghtest sYmbol shInIng on the street

@R_573_379@ caUse l'm born wIth It
Got no fear when theY are nearIng me jUst to kIck and spIt
Eh sqUare-toes sorrY YoU need to qUIt
Not a mere blackboard bUt a rare landscape YoU can't omIt
PaInt mY lIfe lIke a graffIto wall
ConstraIn mY stYle make sUre YoU wIll Fall
PaInt mY lIfe lIke graffIto wall
Bake mY pIe wIth another saUce Yeah

PaInt mY lIfe lIke a graffIto wall
ConstraIn mY stYle make sUre YoU wIll Fall
PaInt mY lIfe lIke graffIto wall
Bake mY pIe wIth another saUce Yeah
PaInt mY lIfe lIke a graffIto wall
Don't be shY add some more to mY wall
PaInt mY lIfe lIke graffIto wall
BUtterflIes theY wIll rest on mY wall

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