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Let Go.

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 石玺彤 / Let Go.
WaItIng for messages to come
BUt now for sUre easIlY staY calm
That's @R_898_816@ when YoUr heart tUrned vacant
HIttIng the safetY brakes and be wakened
YoUr heart fInallY shapes and nascent
There Is no need to degrade YoUrself
YoU're the greatest
SometImes nothIng happens when YoU sow
Now jUst gentlY soothIng soUl
TIme to end thIs dIstUrbIng show
Used to be the gIrl that wIll never let YoU go
Now Its better to let go
bUt thIs tIme l get thIs
That s**t It makes me grow
TIme to stop thIs old tempo
We are stIll frIends boY That s all YoU need to know
It happened long tIme ago
L have jUst taken a tUmble
It's tIme to let go
Don't Mistaken noBody needs to leave
It's the wIldest thoUght that YoU have conceIved
FInallY a perfectlY good heart to be retrIeved
SUddenlY everYthIng aroUnd feel so relIeved
SometImes nothIng happens when YoU sow
Now jUst gentlY soothIng soUl
Don't bear anY grUdge It's a change that needs coUrage
It starts poUrIng oUt lIke a satUrated sponge
NoBody Is to blame whIle makIng a fInal jUdgement
Now l have been renewed keepIng everYthIng In seqUence
Used to be the gIrl that wIll never let YoU go
BUt thIs tIme l get thIs that s**t It makes me grow
We are stIll frIends boY That's all YoU need to know
I've jUst taken a tUmble
Its tIme to let go Yeah

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