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栏目:什么歌@H_165_0@由华纳兄弟影业和威秀影业联合出品的真人3D动作冒险巨制《泰山归来:险战丛林》将于7月19日以3D、IMAX 3D和中国巨幕格式在中国内地上映。日前,片方曝光了主题曲MV,主题曲《Better Love》由爱尔兰著名歌手HozIer演唱,曲风气势恢宏、大气磅礴,同时曝光的MV将影片深厚缠绵的剧情和宏大撼的气质展现得淋漓尽致。

@H_165_0@泰山归来:险战丛林主题曲叫什么 谁唱的

@H_165_0@《Better Love》 HozIer



@H_165_0@《Better Love》

@H_165_0@I won't get a hold,shakIng throUgh

@H_165_0@ChasIng memorY of It stIll,of everY chIll

@H_165_0@ChIded bY the sIlence and It hUsh the blInd

@H_165_0@BlInd to the pUrpose of the groUp dIvIne

@H_165_0@BUt YoU and I

@H_165_0@StarIng of the blackness at some dIstant star

@H_165_0@The thrIll of knowIng how alone we are

@H_165_0@Unknown we are

@H_165_0@To the wIld and to the both of Us

@H_165_0@I confessed along and I was Dreaming of

@H_165_0@Some better love,bUt there's no better love

@H_165_0@Beckons above me and there's no better love

@H_165_0@Whatever has loved me,there's no better love

@H_165_0@DarlIng,feel better love

@H_165_0@Feel better love

@H_165_0@I've never loved a darker blUe

@H_165_0@Than the darkness I've known In YoU

@H_165_0@Own from YoU

@H_165_0@Used heart woUld sIng of anarchY

@H_165_0@YoUr eleven meanIngs gUaranteed,so beaUtIfUllY

@H_165_0@When oUr trUth Is bUrned from thIs cItY

@H_165_0@BY those who fIgUred jUstIce In fond memorY

@H_165_0@WItness me

@H_165_0@LIke fIre weepIng from a Cedar tree

@H_165_0@KnowIng that My Love woUld bUrn wIth me

@H_165_0@We'll lIve eternallY

@H_165_0@CaUse there's no better love

@H_165_0@That beckons above me,there's no better love

@H_165_0@Whatever has loved me,there's no better love

@H_165_0@So darlIng,feel better love

@H_165_0@CaUse there's no better love

@H_165_0@That's laId besIde me,there's no better love

@H_165_0@What jUstIfIes me,darlIng,feel better love

@H_165_0@Feel better love

@H_165_0@Feel better love

@H_165_0@Feel better love

@H_165_0@Feel better love

@H_165_0@CaUse there's no better love

@H_165_0@That beckons above me,feel better love

@H_165_0@Feel better love

@H_165_0@HozIer是著名的爱尔兰灵魂歌手,成名曲《Take me to the chUrch》,独特的嗓音和唱腔让的歌曲在充满淡淡忧伤的同时,充满强而有力的念。内地歌迷都亲切地称呼为”猴哥”。时隔近一年没有发新曲的发布了这首《Better love》,无疑引爆了众多粉丝的期待并且给他们带来了久违的感动。得知这首新曲是《泰山归来:险战丛林》的主题曲,很多粉丝在网上亲切的开玩笑说“时隔一年,猴哥唱候”。


@H_165_0@主题曲MV中,伴随着《Better Love》深情大气的旋律和充满情意的歌词,泰山和简的浪漫瞬间也在画面中一一闪现。在森林中的初次相遇、在伦敦家中的深情对望、在旷野树上的激情一吻……两人之间深厚缠绵的爱情已然无需多加描述,而歌词中“在我身边,这世再无更好的爱”也进一步诠释了他们对彼此全身的爱恋和任。

