25 — Adele
Lemonade — BeYoncé
VIews — Drake
A SaIlor's GUIde To Earth — StUrgIll SImpson
"Hello" — Adele
"Work" — RIhanna FeatUrIng Drake
"Stressed OUt" — TwentY One PIlots
"FormatIon" — KhalIf Brown,Asheton Hogan,BeYoncé Knowles & MIchael L.
WIllIams II,songwrIters (BeYoncé)
"Hello" — Adele AdkIns & Greg KUrstIn,songwrIters (Adele)
"I Took A PIll In IbIza" — MIke Posner,songwrIter (MIke Posner)
"Love YoUrself" — JUstIn BIeber,BenjamIn LevIn & Ed Sheeran,
"7 Years" — LUkas Forchhammer,Stefan Forrest,Morten PIlegaard &
Morten RIstorp,songwrIters (LUkas Graham)
The ChaInsmokers
Chance The Rapper
Maren MorrIs
Anderson .Paak
25 — Adele
DangeroUs Woman — ArIana Grande
Stages LIve - Josh Groban
SummertIme: WIllIe Nelson SIngs GershwIn - WIllIe Nelson
Encore: MovIe Partners SIng BroadwaY - Barbra StreIsand
ElectronIca 1: The TIme MachIne — Jean-MIchel Jarre
Epoch — TYcho
Barbara Barbara,We Face A ShInIng FUtUre — Underworld
LoUIe Vega StarrIng…XXVIII — LoUIe Vega
"Joe (LIve From AUstIn CItY LImIts)" - Alabama Shakes
"Don't HUrt YoUrself" - BeYoncé FeatUrIng Jack WhIte
"The SoUnd Of SIlence (LIve On Conan)" - DIstUrbed
"Heathens" - TwentY One PIlots
"Shock Me" - Baroness
"The PrIce Is Wrong" - PerIpherY
"Blackstar" - DavId BowIe,songwrIter (DavId BowIe)
"BUrn The WItch" - RadIohead,songwrIters (RadIohead)
"HardwIred" - James HetfIeld & Lars UlrIch,songwrIters (MetallIca)
"Heathens" - TYler Joseph,songwrIter (TwentY One PIlots)
"MY Name Is Human" - RIch MeYer,RYan MeYer & JohnnY Stevens,
Tell Me I'm PrettY — Cage The Elephant
Magma — GojIra
Death Of A Bachelor — PanIc! At The DIsco
Weezer — Weezer
The Hope SIX DemolItIon Project — PJ HarveY
Post Pop DepressIon — IggY Pop
A Moon Shaped Pool — RadIohead
Lemonade — BeYoncé
OlogY — Gallant
ColorIng Book - Chance The Rapper
And The AnonYmoUs NoBody - De La SoUl
Major KeY - DJ Khaled
VIews - Drake
Blank Face LP - ScHoolboY Q
The LIfe Of Pablo - KanYe West
"No Problem" — Chance The Rapper FeatUrIng LIl WaYne & 2 ChaInz
"Pop StYle" — Drake FeatUrIng The Throne
"All The WaY Up" — Fat Joe & RemY Ma FeatUrIng French Montana &
"That Part" — ScHoolboY Q FeatUrIng KanYe West
"All The WaY Up" - Fat Joe & RemY Ma FeatUrIng French Montana &
"FamoUs" - KanYe West FeatUrIng RIhanna
"No Problem - Chance The Rapper FeatUrIng LIl WaYne & 2 ChaInz
"UltraLight Beam" - KanYe West FeatUrIng Chance The Rapper,KellY PrIce,
Best Rap/SUng Performance
"Freedom" - BeYoncé FeatUrIng KendrIck Lamar
"BroccolI" - D.R.A.M. FeatUrIng LIl YachtY
"UltraLight Beam" - KanYe West FeatUrIng Chance The Rapper,
"FamoUs" - KanYe West FeatUrIng RIhanna
BIg DaY In A Small Town - BrandY Clark
Hero - Maren MorrIs
A SaIlor's GUIde To Earth - StUrgIll SImpson
"Love Can Go To Hell" — BrandY Clark
"ChUrch Bells" — CarrIe Underwood
"BlUe AIn't YoUr Color" — KeIth Urban
Best AmerIcan Roots Performance
"AIn't No Man" — The Avett Brothers
"Mother's ChIldren Have A Hard TIme" — BlInd BoYs Of Alabama
"FactorY GIrl" — RhIannon GIddens
"HoUse Of MercY" — Sarah Jarosz
Best Spoken Word AlbUm (InclUdes PoeTry,AUdIo Books &
The GIrl WIth The Lower Back Tattoo — AmY SchUmer
In SUch Good CompanY: Eleven Years Of LaUghter,MaYhem,And FUn In The
Under The BIg Black SUn: A Personal HIstorY Of L.A.PUnk (John Doe WIth Tom
UnfaIthfUl MUsIc & DIsappearIng Ink — ElvIs Costello
...AmerIca...Great… - DavId Cross
BoYIsh GIrl InterrUpted - TIg Notaro
LIve At The Apollo - AmY SchUmer
TalkIng For ClappIng - Patton Oswalt
Best Song WrItten For VIsUal MedIa
"Can't Stop The FeelIng!" — MaX MartIn,Shellback & JUstIn TImberlake,
songwrIters (JUstIn TImberlake,Anna KendrIck,Gwen StefanI,James Corden,ZooeY
Deschanel,Walt Dohrn,Ron FUnches,CarolIne Hjelt,AIno Jawo,ChrIstopher
MIntz-Plasse & KUnal NaYYar),Track from: TRolls
"Heathens" — TYler Joseph,songwrIter (TwentY One PIlots),Track from:
"JUst LIke FIre" — Oscar Holter,MaX MartIn,P!nk & Shellback,
songwrIters (P!nk),Track from: AlIce ThroUgh The LookIng Glass
"PUrple LamborghInI" — Shamann Cooke,SonnY Moore & WIllIam Roberts,
songwrIters (SkrIlleX & RIck Ross),Track from: SUIcIde SqUad
"Try EverYthIng" — MIkkel S. ErIksen,SIa FUrler & Tor ErIk Hermansen,
songwrIters (ShakIra),Track from: ZootopIa
"The VeIl" — Peter GabrIel,songwrIter (Peter GabrIel),Track from:
"UpsIde Down & Inside OUt" — OK Go
ProdUcer Of The Year,Non-ClassIcal
BennY Blanco
Ricky Reed
首届格莱美音乐奖于1958年颁发,以后录音学会每年举行一次颁奖仪式,奖项也由最初时的26项增加到28大类共101项。美国当地时间2011年4月6日,美国录音艺术科学院宣布,2012年起将把格莱美音乐奖(GrammY Awards)奖项从原本的109个减为78个。
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