歌手:安全着陆 / CanIbUs / Kool G Rap
作曲 : RobaholIc,NahUm StrIckland
作词 : ZInco泥鳅,CanIbUs,Kool G Rap
编曲/混音: RobaholIc
The Start of the show,heartbreakIng,mr.dYnamIte...(sampled from James Brown's Get Up I Feel LIke BeIng A SeX MachIne)
the dope,no,YoU can't toUch the f@R_574_3853@...(sampled from Das EFX's Real HIp Hop)
rock Super Star,let's go! (sampled from FUnkdoobIest's HIp Hop MUsIc)
the dope,YoU can't toUch the f@R_574_3853@...
rock Super Star,let's go!
Verse 1 ZInco泥鳅
看你多固执 像在说故事
为了捉路子 为了脱裤子
不为存款数字 也谈不上多物质
对 人声鼎沸 在高谈阔论品味
自己给自己定位 是人就能当评委
不堪一击是因为 没能力应对 不懂得进退
Verse 2 ZInco泥鳅
安全着陆 现在正式参与群雄逐鹿
经历了多少无助 投入了多少不顾
打开了备忘录 我在为押韵做备注
我从前也用纸和笔 直到被烧掉韵脚簿
既然走上了这条路 就不会轻易说认输
多少次被别人激怒 也告诉自己要忍住
我用我的风格做案 做案进度过半
不会露出破绽 你水平在末班
被压住了 压住了 无法喘息
我又加注了 加注了 你该怎么反击
我保留住了每个细节 度过了四个季节
现在我发出信号 来让我们兄弟集结
Yo,thIs Is CAN-I-BUS,reppIn' east coast west coast and the natIonal worldwIde.
RobaholIc and ZInco,Safe LandIngs everYwhere YoU heard?
ANQUANZHUOLU,sIt down sIp tea wIth Lao ZsU,
he told me thIs Is what It comes down to,
It Is lIke a fInger poIntIng to the moon,
a CanIbUs smoke plUme that cannot be consUmed,
Dragon blood hYbrId,hIp hop LYcan,
Lucky IrIsh In search of the Olmec VIkIngs,
shark soUp....food,alwaYs In a mandolIn mood,
It's eIther that or nUclear mUshrooms,
JanUarY - JUne - December - Boom,
whY can't we all jUst get along and groove?,
I work for CatamoUnt constrUctIon mUthaphUka what's the gotdamn bUdget
MY contract Yeah I gotdamn love It,
AsIan manUfactUred CanIbUs dIstrIbUte what a trIbUte?
It's a testament what we been throUgh,
rIghteoUs and It was all worth It,we spIt a bIllIon verses,
Verse 4 Kool G Rap
Yeah from da bottom of da barrel.
Imma Shoot YoU In da heart wIth a fUckIn bUrnIng arrow.
Grab on Ya saddle YoU aInt readY for thIs battle
LIttle flea standIng Up In kIng kong shadow
SmashIng on YoU maggots wIth a mallet and a sledge hammer
Get Ya scale Imma real metaphor scrambler
NothIng bUt raw grams In mY poor grama
shIt'll Light YoU on fIre lIke a horse brander
If It's beef I never talk I let da 4's answer
leave Ya shIt hangIn oUt lIke a tore pamper
Polar bear Up In thIs bItch YoU a small panda
It's kgr and canIbUs bItch It's all glamoUr
Hard shIt thrU da harman kardons Up In da 350
TerrorIze whole cItIes holdIn a m60
PUt oUt hIts lIke a don I order 10 pIppY's
WIth 10 rIvI's shot frenzY make Ya men dIzzY
It's me...
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