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这首歌是周兴哲演唱的In the Works》,以下是歌词:

In the Works - 周兴哲



People lIke to assUme what I know

What I've done and told

The thIngs that I've wrote

HeY I coUld never do It

If It wasn't for the bUllet

That hIt rIght In mY chest

That hIt rIght In mY chest

I got a lot of broken storIes In mY mInd

I got a lot of broken parts to combIne

I Used to love wIth no holdbacks

I Used to trUst wIth no regrets

In mY mInd

浩瀚星海 愿我陪伴 你的孤单

哪怕远在光年之外 哪怕粉碎光环

我的未来 比谁都明白

So don't even Try to stop me woah

Oh Yeah No regrets

People lIke to assUme what I know

What I've done and told

The thIngs that I've wrote

HeY I coUld never do It

If It wasn't for the bUllet

That hIt rIght In mY chest

That hIt rIght In mY chest

I got a lot of broken storIes In mY mInd

I got a lot of broken parts to combIne

I Used to love wIth no holdbacks

I Used to trUst wIth no regrets

In mY mInd

浩瀚星海 愿我陪伴 你的孤单

哪怕远在光年之外 哪怕消逝黑暗

我的未来 比谁都明白

So don't even Try to stop me woah

究竟为了什么为什么而牺牲 早就该心知肚明什么歌
我们跌跌撞撞却依然前往 那就是人活着的力量渺小得光芒万丈是什么歌