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All The Things She Said (Extension 119 Club ...

歌词来源专辑:华语乐队组合 / SHE / 最爱S.H.E.冬日音乐纪念册 Vol.2
All The ThIngs She SaId (EXtensIon 119 ClUb EdIt) - tA.T.U@H_116_0@ @H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ I'm In serIoUs shIt I feel totallY lost@H_116_0@ If I'm a@R_887_2957@g for help@H_116_0@ It's Only becaUse@H_116_0@ BeIng wIth YoU has opened mY eYes@H_116_0@ CoUld I ever belIeve sUch a perfect sUrprIse@H_116_0@ I keep a@R_887_2957@g mYself@H_116_0@ WonderIng how@H_116_0@ I keep closIng mY eYes@H_116_0@ BUt I can't block YoU oUt@H_116_0@ Wanna flY to a place where@H_116_0@ It's jUst YoU and me@H_116_0@ NoBody else so we can be free@H_116_0@ NoBody else so we can be free@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ And I'm all Mixed Up@H_116_0@ FeelIng cornered and rUshed@H_116_0@ TheY saY It's mY faUlt@H_116_0@ BUt I want her so mUch@H_116_0@ Wanna flY her awaY@H_116_0@ Where the sUn and raIn@H_116_0@ Come In over mY face@H_116_0@ Wash awaY all the shame@H_116_0@ When theY stop and stare@H_116_0@ Don't worrY me@H_116_0@ 'CaUse I'm feelIng for her@H_116_0@ What she's feelIng for me@H_116_0@ I can Try to pretend@H_116_0@ I can Try to forget@H_116_0@ BUt It's drIvIng me mad@H_116_0@ GoIng oUt of mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ Mother lookIng at me@H_116_0@ Tell me what do YoU see@H_116_0@ Yes I've lost mY mInd@H_116_0@ DaddY lookIng at me@H_116_0@ WIll I ever be free@H_116_0@ Have I crossed the lIne@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ RUnnIng throUgh mY head@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ All the thIngs she saId@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh@H_116_0@ ThIs Is not enoUgh

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If U Come To Me