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Little star 星光

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 尚雯婕 / 恩赐之地+ 庆功版
TonIght we shIne let tIme go bY
We're stars so brIght we fInd the Light
@R_237_1450@ flYIng Into the shadow
Get beYond all the sorrow
@R_237_1450@ lIes on the raInbow
It Is too good to go
@R_237_1450@ flYIng Into the shadow
Get beYond all the sorrow
@R_237_1450@ lIes on the raInbow
It Is too good to go

《Little star 星光》歌词查歌词收集整理

Life's alright 晨曦
When Lovers Find Their Lovers