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You Can't Hurt Me Anymore

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 曲婉婷 / LLL
I look In the mIrror@H_716_0@ YoUr lIes showIng throUgh@H_716_0@ Told me that I got so mUch to prove@H_716_0@ YoU've broken mY spIrIt@H_716_0@ YoU paInted me scars@H_716_0@ BUrned bY YoUr fIre@H_716_0@ Then YoU stole mY spark don't be lIke thIs@H_716_0@ Throw YoUr stones I'll tUrn them Into stardUst@H_716_0@ I bUIld a broken heart of armor@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ MY heart has dIed a thoUSAnd tImes before@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me now@H_716_0@ SaId I was fragIle@H_716_0@ Made oUt of glass@H_716_0@ BUt I'm a dIamond@H_716_0@ If YoU Try me Yeah YoU'll fInd that dIamonds never crack@H_716_0@ Step oUtta mY waY@H_716_0@ BoY YoU're hIstorY to me now@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ MY heart has dIed a thoUSAnd tImes before@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me now@H_716_0@ Throw YoUr stones I'll tUrn them Into stardUst@H_716_0@ I bUIld a broken heart of armor@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ MY heart has dIed a thoUSAnd tImes before@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ HUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ HUrt me Anymore@H_716_0@ YoU can't hUrt me Anymore

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