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Say the Words

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 曲婉婷 / Say The Words
When was the last tIme YoU saId these words@H_168_0@ To the ones YoU deeplY care for, YoU know theY care for YoU too@H_168_0@ So let's all saY the words, I wIll coUnt to three@H_168_0@ "1 & 2 & 3"@H_168_0@ I LOVE YOU@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ I have a mother; she was a verY strIct mother@H_168_0@ And I was a rebel, made her lIfe a lIvIng hell@H_168_0@ BUt I'm not lIke that Anymore; I want to make her Smile@H_168_0@ So I'd lIke to take thIs moment and saY the words@H_168_0@ I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU…@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ I have a father; he doesn't talk mUch@H_168_0@ He's one of those qUIet tYpes; YoU can barelY get a word oUt of hIm@H_168_0@ BUt I know deep down Inside, he loves me so@H_168_0@ So I'd lIke to take thIs moment and saY the words@H_168_0@ I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU…@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ I have mY frIends, I coUld tell them everYthIng@H_168_0@ BUt how come I haven't told them, how mUch theY mean to me@H_168_0@ Is It becaUse of the socIetY restraInIng Us from beIng free ?@H_168_0@ So I'd lIke to take thIs moment and saY the words@H_168_0@ I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU…@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ I have mY eX-boYfrIends; we don't talk Anymore@H_168_0@ BUt I never stop wIshIng them, happIness and joY@H_168_0@ TheY were a bIg part of mY lIfe, and made me who I am todaY@H_168_0@ So I'd lIke to take thIs moment and saY the words@H_168_0@ I THANK YOU, I THANK YOU, I THANK YOU,@H_168_0@ I THANK YOU…@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ I have a pet. Her name Is TIffanY@H_168_0@ She's a 7 Year old domestIc cat, pretendIng she Is me@H_168_0@ BUt she alwaYs cheers me Up when I look Into her prettY eYes@H_168_0@ So I'd lIke to take thIs moment and saY the words@H_168_0@ MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW…@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ So manY people In thIs world, doIng what theY can@H_168_0@ To make a dIfference everYdaY, so we can all be here to staY@H_168_0@ Some of them wIll be heroes, bUt some of them wIll never be heard@H_168_0@ So I'd lIke to take thIs moment and saY the words@H_168_0@ I THANK YOU, I THANK YOU, I THANK YOU,@H_168_0@ I THANK YOU…@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ So thIs Is near the end of the song, I hope YoU feel the love@H_168_0@ It's not the tYpIcal song I wrIte, bUt It's comIng from the heart@H_168_0@ If YoU haven't saId these words, then what the hell are YoU waItIng for ?@H_168_0@ BecaUse It never hUrts to saY these words !@H_168_0@ I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU…@H_168_0@ EVERYBody "I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU,@H_168_0@ I LOVE YOU…"@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ So when was the last tIme YoU saId these words@H_168_0@ To the ones YoU deeplY care for, YoU know theY care for YoU too@H_168_0@ So let's all saY the words, I'll coUnt to three@H_168_0@ "1 & 2 & 3"@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ I LOVE YOU@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ ProdUced bY Ron AnIello@H_168_0@ Vocals, pIano, sYnth, acoUstIc gUItar, percUssIon: WantIng QU@H_168_0@ GUItar, sYnth, bass, loops, percUssIon, programmIng: Ron AnIello@H_168_0@ B3 organ, addItIonal pIano: Dave Palmer@H_168_0@ AddItIonal pIano: Roget ChahaYed@H_168_0@ StrIng arrangements: Scott TIbbs@H_168_0@ SectIon: @H_168_0@ ~VIolIn: Mark FerrIs, Cameron WIlson@H_168_0@ ~VIola: HenrY Lee@H_168_0@ ~Cello: FInn MannIche@H_168_0@ ~PercUssIon: ReId HendrY, JUnshUo HoU@H_168_0@ BackgroUnd vocals: WantIng QU, AImee Proal, Sean Zhang, J Angel@H_168_0@ GroUp vocals: Ross Petersen, Rob Lebrett, Heather Porcaro, @H_168_0@ Alec DIXon, MIckI Porcaro, LIzzIe Brandt, and WantIng QU@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ EngIneered bY Ron AnIello, Ross Petersen, Alec DIXon, Rob Lebrett, @H_168_0@ ClIf Norell, Dan BlessInger, ChrIstopher 'PherbIe' MIdgleY, and Jason MarIanI@H_168_0@ RecordIng assIstant In VancoUver: JIefU Wang@H_168_0@ Recorded at VerY Loud HoUse, Woodland HIlls, CA; CYclops SoUnd, Van NUYs, CA; @H_168_0@ VIllage Recorders, Santa MonIca, CA; BrotherYn StUdIo, OjaI, CA; @H_168_0@ MartIn soUnd, Alhambra, CA; The Farm StUdIos, VancoUver; @H_168_0@ LIqUId TensIon MUsIc, VancoUver; Robert Plant LA, CA@H_168_0@ MIXed bY ChrIs Lord-Alge at MIX LA@H_168_0@ AssItant engIneers: KeIth Armstrong and NIk Karpen@H_168_0@ AddItIonal assIstant engIneers: Brad Townsend and Andrew SchUbert@H_168_0@ Mastered bY Ted Jensen at SterlIng SoUnd, NY@H_168_0@ @H_168_0@ PUblIshed bY Nettwerk One MUsIc (Canada) LImIted

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Time, My Friend
Life Is a Struggle