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Send In The Clowns

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 齐豫 / 精挑细选
BUt where are the cLowns

Send In the cLowns
JUst when I stopped opennIng door
FInallY knowIng the one that I wanted was YoUrs
MakIng mY entrance agaIn
WIth mY UsUal flaIr
SUre of mY lInes
No one Is there

Don't YoU love farce mY faUlt I fear

I thoUght that YoU'd want what I want
SorrY mY dear
BUt where are the cLowns

Send In the cLowns
Don't bother theY're here

Isn't It rIch Isn't It qUeer

LosIng mY tImIng thIs lat Is mY career
BUt where are the cLowns

There oUght to be cLowns

Well maYbe neXt Year

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