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Brave New World

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 齐豫 / 藏爱的女人
Where love grows oUt of shadows
No doUbts or fear @R_232_1850@ more
Love can open doors
That leads to wondroUs thIngs, awakenIngs and then
Dreams of happIness
Become realItY for YoU and me
And everYone can see we've foUnd a
Brave new world
A fUtUre to behold
Where hearts rUle over people
That's where we'll end oUr joUrneY
Where hearts rUle over people
That's where we'll end oUr joUrneY
Brave brave new world
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《Brave New World》歌词查歌词收集整理

Love of My Life
A Twist of Fate