- Hallelujah
- Welcome Home
- Heaven's Ceiling
- Fan Mail
- Like a Rock
- Fairytales
- Chinese New Year
- Glow
- Money
- Eat, Sleep, and Die
- Carry On
- Complicated
- Welcome to the Club
- Comin' Up
- Ladies and Gentlemen
- HipHopMan
- Make Your Mo...
- 不帅
- SuperNBA
- 零
- Nobody's Lis...
- 罗宾(CP Up ...
- This Is The&...
- Busta Rhymes
- Hypocrite
- Brand New Me
- Crazy Love R...
- Sincerely Yours
- When the Lig...
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 欧阳靖 / XIV:LIX
I saId thank YoU lord hallelUjah
I can stIll remember
SIttIn' on that sUbwaY
LeavIn' the rUff rYders' offIce lookIn' at that check
ThInkIn' to mYself
Wow thIs Is actUallY happenIn' I've fInallY
I've arrIved I'm here
And everYthIng that happened after that was lIke a blUr
It was so mUch fUn
It was so mUch paIn
And then UltImatelY
JUst when I thoUght It was comIn' to a end
MY career was comIn' to a end
MY joUrneY was comIn' to a end god YoU pIcked me Up and
YoU lIfted me Up and showed me that what
I thoUght was the end was reallY jUst the beGinnIn'
So all I ask lord Is that
From here on oUt
That YoU be the center
For anYBody that lIstens to thIs theY don't jUst hear
TheY don't hear songs
It's not jUst a albUm
It's mY lIfe
I can stIll remember
SIttIn' on that sUbwaY
LeavIn' the rUff rYders' offIce lookIn' at that check
ThInkIn' to mYself
Wow thIs Is actUallY happenIn' I've fInallY
I've arrIved I'm here
And everYthIng that happened after that was lIke a blUr
It was so mUch fUn
It was so mUch paIn
And then UltImatelY
JUst when I thoUght It was comIn' to a end
MY career was comIn' to a end
MY joUrneY was comIn' to a end god YoU pIcked me Up and
YoU lIfted me Up and showed me that what
I thoUght was the end was reallY jUst the beGinnIn'
So all I ask lord Is that
From here on oUt
That YoU be the center
For anYBody that lIstens to thIs theY don't jUst hear
TheY don't hear songs
It's not jUst a albUm
It's mY lIfe
This Is The Year下一个歌词
Welcome Home
This Is The Year下一个歌词
Welcome Home
- HipHopMan
- Make Your Move
- 不帅
- SuperNBA (《最强NBA》手游主题曲)
- 零 (《英伦对决》电影推广曲)
- Nobody's Listening
- Everything's Not Okay
- Fatherly Advice
- Two Pairs
- Timberlake Your Love
- Donnie Yen
- Check To Check
- 4 Tha Team
- Rhyme Book
- No Promo
- 罗宾 (CP Up version)
- This Is The Year
- Hallelujah
- Welcome Home
- Heaven's Ceiling
- Fan Mail
- Like a Rock
- Fairytales
- Chinese New Year
- Glow
- Money
- Eat, Sleep, and Die
- Carry On
- Complicated