Hypocrite (Gold Chapter)
Healing (Outro)
Dead Man Walking
Fear Factor
Don't Walk Run
Behind Enemy Lines
Hypocrite (Black Chapter)
Prayer (Intro)
Make Your Mo...
Nobody's Lis...
罗宾(CP Up ...
This Is The&...
Busta Rhymes
Brand New Me
Crazy Love R...
Sincerely Yours
When the Lig...
Don't Walk Run
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 欧阳靖 / Hypocrite
Don't walk rUn don't walk rUn
Don't walk rUn don't walk rUn
Yeah I know I know It's easY to saId and done
I know where YoU comIng from trUst me
Don't walk rUn don't walk rUn
Don't walk rUn don't walk rUn
Don't walk rUn
Yeah I know I know It's easY to saId and done
I know where YoU comIng from trUst me
Don't walk rUn
Yeah I'm rUnnIng from mY past And It's qUIte well
BUt Lord know I do not mIss the lIfe step
I mean I have a son and wIfe well
BUt the grace I got mY lIfe belongs to ChrIst now
Yeah I've saId It mY lIfe Is lIke a offerIng
BUt I'd be lYIng If I told YoU that mY eYes are wonderIng
Inside mY heart hates It bUt mY flesh Is lovIng It
FeelIng so dIsgrace everYtIme I break the covenant
DevIl whIspers In mY ear I know he's a lIar
HolY spIrIt gIve me strenght
Not to feed mY own desIre
When I face In temptatIon I shall overcome
As when I tell mYself hah
Don't walk rUn
Don't walk rUn don't walk rUn
Yeah I know I know It's easY to saId and done
I know where YoU comIng from trUst me
Don't walk rUn don't walk rUn
Don't walk rUn don't walk rUn
Don't walk rUn
Yeah I know I know It's easY to saId and done
I know where YoU comIng from trUst me
Don't walk rUn
Yeah I'm rUnnIng from mY past And It's qUIte well
BUt Lord know I do not mIss the lIfe step
I mean I have a son and wIfe well
BUt the grace I got mY lIfe belongs to ChrIst now
Yeah I've saId It mY lIfe Is lIke a offerIng
BUt I'd be lYIng If I told YoU that mY eYes are wonderIng
Inside mY heart hates It bUt mY flesh Is lovIng It
FeelIng so dIsgrace everYtIme I break the covenant
DevIl whIspers In mY ear I know he's a lIar
HolY spIrIt gIve me strenght
Not to feed mY own desIre
When I face In temptatIon I shall overcome
As when I tell mYself hah
Don't walk rUn
《Don't Walk Run》歌词由查歌词收集整理
Fear Factor下一个歌词
Behind Enemy Lines
Fear Factor下一个歌词
Behind Enemy Lines
Make Your Move
SuperNBA (《最强NBA》手游主题曲)
零 (《英伦对决》电影推广曲)
Nobody's Listening
Everything's Not Okay
Fatherly Advice
Two Pairs
Timberlake Your Love
Donnie Yen
Check To Check
4 Tha Team
Rhyme Book
No Promo
罗宾 (CP Up version)
This Is The Year
Welcome Home
Heaven's Ceiling
Fan Mail
Like a Rock
Chinese New Year
Eat, Sleep, and Die
Carry On