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F**k Jay Z

歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 欧阳靖 / 100 Grand Jin
Now everY new rapper Is folLowIng half a dollars lead.
TheYre all @R_235_4187@Ing to “flood the mIXtapes” wIth half assed freestYles @R_365_3392@ changIng two words from the orIgInal versIon.
Random rapper from Northern Staten IslAnd Is dIssIng random rapper from SoUthern Staten Island on SMACK.
Theres been 6 mIllIon rendItIons of “How To Rob”,
from the good (MaInos “RUmors”) to the bad (BIg StYs record, forgot the name) to the bIzarre (JIns “**** Jay-Z”).
Long storY short,
NYC Isnt goIng to come back Unless @R_971_1575@ overthrows the man In power.
BUt dont get It twIsted,
50 Isnt goIng to bow oUt gracefUllY,
he rUles wIth an Iron fIst!
JUst ask the gUY wIth the bUtterflY L.A. tattoo on hIs face.
In the meantIme,
keep the hope alIve YoUngIns.
BrIng New York back!
BUt jUst know that the road to the throne goes throUgh 50.

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