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100 Thousand Sold, Pt. 2
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100 Thousand Sold, Pt. 2
歌词来源专辑:华语男歌手 / 欧阳靖 / Presents The Emcee's Proper'Ganda
See the empIre aIn't gonna bUIld Itself
SIck of sIttIng on the shelf I been went on a hIatUs
YoU are lIstenIng to the greatest
StorY never told the seqUel to 100 thoUSAnd sold
Talk to 'em K
Let's assUme I made It plUs accUmlated a fanbase
CoUld YoU pIctUre the look on thIs mans face
A moment I can't waIt for record wIse
Only waY I'll flop Is If I ever stop affectIn lIves
I got a poInt to get across now whether 1 person
Get It or a mIllIon the message Isn't lost
Of coUrse I want plaqUes that's certIfIed dIamond
BUt more than that I jUst love rhYmIn
Perfect tImIn when I fLow
MY stYles far from common plUs I aIn't from ChIcago
BUt bIg Up to Mr. LYnn who motIvated me to spIt
AgaIn and we aIn't ever Interact
ReadY to qUIt lost balance got mY center back
Be remInded me whY I even got Into rap
The boom bap when YoU feel lIke YoU In a room
Trapped and the Only escape Is In the form of a tape
For everY sItUatIon there's a song to relate
At that moment I knew that I belong wIth the greats
It's the freestYle specIalIst slash song wrIter
PUll a all nIghter jUst to make the song tIghter
TryIn to sell 10 mIllIon copIes YoU so hopeless
I'm workIng on a 100k I'm so focUsed
YoU know I got mIne fasho
So that's jUst 99 thoUSAnd 999 to go
SIck of sIttIng on the shelf I been went on a hIatUs
YoU are lIstenIng to the greatest
StorY never told the seqUel to 100 thoUSAnd sold
Talk to 'em K
Let's assUme I made It plUs accUmlated a fanbase
CoUld YoU pIctUre the look on thIs mans face
A moment I can't waIt for record wIse
Only waY I'll flop Is If I ever stop affectIn lIves
I got a poInt to get across now whether 1 person
Get It or a mIllIon the message Isn't lost
Of coUrse I want plaqUes that's certIfIed dIamond
BUt more than that I jUst love rhYmIn
Perfect tImIn when I fLow
MY stYles far from common plUs I aIn't from ChIcago
BUt bIg Up to Mr. LYnn who motIvated me to spIt
AgaIn and we aIn't ever Interact
ReadY to qUIt lost balance got mY center back
Be remInded me whY I even got Into rap
The boom bap when YoU feel lIke YoU In a room
Trapped and the Only escape Is In the form of a tape
For everY sItUatIon there's a song to relate
At that moment I knew that I belong wIth the greats
It's the freestYle specIalIst slash song wrIter
PUll a all nIghter jUst to make the song tIghter
TryIn to sell 10 mIllIon copIes YoU so hopeless
I'm workIng on a 100k I'm so focUsed
YoU know I got mIne fasho
So that's jUst 99 thoUSAnd 999 to go
《100 Thousand Sold, Pt. 2》歌词由查歌词收集整理
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Learn Chinese (clean radio edit)
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Learn Chinese (clean radio edit)
Make Your Move
SuperNBA (《最强NBA》手游主题曲)
零 (《英伦对决》电影推广曲)
Nobody's Listening
Everything's Not Okay
Fatherly Advice
Two Pairs
Timberlake Your Love
Donnie Yen
Check To Check
4 Tha Team
Rhyme Book
No Promo
罗宾 (CP Up version)
This Is The Year
Welcome Home
Heaven's Ceiling
Fan Mail
Like a Rock
Chinese New Year
Eat, Sleep, and Die
Carry On