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CentUrIes@H_165_0@ 穿越时光@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ 【歌词】@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ Some legends are told@H_165_0@ Some tUrn to dUst or to gold@H_165_0@ BUt YoU wIll remember me@H_165_0@ Remember me, for centUrIes@H_165_0@ JUst one Mistake@H_165_0@ Is all It wIll take@H_165_0@ We'll go down In hIstorY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ HeY, heY, heY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ 那些传奇不过是过去故事@H_165_0@ 或飞灰湮灭或金碧辉煌@H_165_0@ 但你依然记得我@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 难道只一个错@H_165_0@ 就要生承担@H_165_0@ 我们将会载入史册@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 嘿, 嘿, 嘿@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ MollIfY mY teenage dreams@H_165_0@ No It's nothIng wrong wIth me@H_165_0@ The kIds are all wrong the storY's on off@H_165_0@ HeavY metal broke mY heart@H_165_0@ Come on, come on and let me In@H_165_0@ I'm brUIses on YoUr thIghs, lIke mY fIngerprInts@H_165_0@ And thIs Is for tonIght@H_165_0@ The darkness that YoU felt@H_165_0@ I never meant for YoU to fIX YoUrself@H_165_0@ 抚慰我年少的狂想@H_165_0@ 我没有什么不对劲@H_165_0@ 让轻狂无畏书写传奇@H_165_0@ 重金属冲击我狂@H_165_0@ 来吧, 来吧, 让我全投入@H_165_0@ 随我摩擦颤抖的双腿, 印下我生的指纹@H_165_0@ 就在今晚绽放纯洁@H_165_0@ 黑暗中探索你的感受@H_165_0@ 让我填补你的空虚找回你的自我@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ Some legends are told@H_165_0@ Some tUrn to dUst or to gold@H_165_0@ BUt YoU wIll remember me@H_165_0@ Remember me, for centUrIes@H_165_0@ JUst one Mistake@H_165_0@ Is all It wIll take@H_165_0@ We'll go down In hIstorY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ HeY, heY, heY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ 那些传奇不过是过去故事@H_165_0@ 或飞灰湮灭或金碧辉煌@H_165_0@ 但你依然记得我@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 难道只一个错@H_165_0@ 就要生承担@H_165_0@ 我们将会载入史册@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 嘿, 嘿, 嘿@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ And I can't stop UntIl the whole worldknows mY name@H_165_0@ CaUse I was Only born Inside mY dreams@H_165_0@ UntIl YoU dIe for me, as long as there Is a Light, mY shadow Is over YoU@H_165_0@ CaUse I am the opposIte of amnesIa@H_165_0@ And YoU're a cherrY blossom@H_165_0@ YoU're aboUt to bloom@H_165_0@ YoU look so prettY, bUt YoU're gone so soon@H_165_0@ 我不能停止, 直到空洞的世写下我的名字@H_165_0@ 因为我只是为梦想存在@H_165_0@ 直到你为我死去活来, 直到我站立聚光下, 直到我的身影包裹住你@H_165_0@ 我无所畏惧失败黑暗@H_165_0@ 你在我中永远纯洁绽放@H_165_0@ 此刻你就绽放美丽光明@H_165_0@ 你看起来无比美妙, 但转瞬落@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ Some legends are told@H_165_0@ Some tUrn to dUst or to gold@H_165_0@ BUt YoU wIll remember me@H_165_0@ Remember me, for centUrIes@H_165_0@ JUst one Mistake@H_165_0@ Is all It wIll take@H_165_0@ We'll go down In hIstorY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ HeY, heY, heY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ 那些传奇不过是过去故事@H_165_0@ 或飞灰湮灭或兑换成金@H_165_0@ 但你依然记得我@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 难道只一个错@H_165_0@ 就要生承担@H_165_0@ 我们将会载入史册@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 嘿, 嘿, 嘿@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ We've been here Forever@H_165_0@ And here's the frozen proof@H_165_0@ I coUld scream Forever@H_165_0@ We are the poIsoned YoUth@H_165_0@ 我们为了永恒才站立在此@H_165_0@ 为了永恒不灭的证据@H_165_0@ 我可以呐喊直到永远@H_165_0@ 我们在激荡年轻生@H_165_0@ @H_165_0@ Some legends are told@H_165_0@ Some tUrn to dUst or to gold@H_165_0@ BUt YoU wIll remember me@H_165_0@ Remember me, for centUrIes@H_165_0@ JUst one Mistake@H_165_0@ Is all It wIll take@H_165_0@ We'll go down In hIstorY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ HeY, heY, heY@H_165_0@ Remember me for centUrIes@H_165_0@ 那些传奇不过是过去故事@H_165_0@ 或飞灰湮灭或金碧辉煌@H_165_0@ 但你依然记得我@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 难道只一个错@H_165_0@ 就要生承担@H_165_0@ 我们将会载入史册@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光@H_165_0@ 嘿, 嘿, 嘿@H_165_0@ 记得我, 穿越时光


i hate u i love u