Moshi Moshi
Solo Dance
Toca Toca (Radio Edit)
Samsara (feat. Emila) [E...
Please Don't Go
Pink Champagne
See It Again
Seve (Radio Edit)
Wicked Wonderland
Toca Toca (Radio Edit)
Shape Of You
Es Rappelt Im Karton
I'm hUrtIn babY, I'm broken down@H_161_0@
I need YoUr lovIn, lovIn I need It now@H_161_0@
When I'm wIthoUt YoU, I'm somethIn weak@H_161_0@
YoU got me beggIn beggIn, I'm on mY knees@H_161_0@
I Don't wanna be needIn YoUr love @H_161_0@
I jUst wanna be deep In YoUr love@H_161_0@
And It's kIllIn me when YoU're awaY (ohh babY)@H_161_0@
CaUse I reallY don't care where YoU are@H_161_0@
I jUst wanna be there where YoU are@H_161_0@
And I gotta get one lIttle taste@H_161_0@
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me@H_161_0@
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY@H_161_0@
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght@H_161_0@
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe@H_161_0@
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me@H_161_0@
MY broken pIeces YoU pIck them Up@H_161_0@
Don't leave me hangIn hangIn come gIve me some@H_161_0@
When I'm wIthoUt Ya so InsecUre@H_161_0@
YoU are the one thIng one thIng I'm lIvIn for@H_161_0@
I Don't wanna be needIn YoUr love @H_161_0@
I jUst wanna be deep In YoUr love@H_161_0@
And It's kIllIn me when YoU're awaY (ohh babY)@H_161_0@
CaUse I reallY don't care where YoU are@H_161_0@
I jUst wanna be there where YoU are@H_161_0@
And I gotta get one lIttle taste@H_161_0@
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me@H_161_0@
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY @H_161_0@
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght@H_161_0@
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe@H_161_0@
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and poUr It down on me@H_161_0@
I want that red velvet I want that sUgar sweet@H_161_0@
Don't let noBody toUch It Unless that someBody's me@H_161_0@
I gotta be YoUr man there aIn't no other waY@H_161_0@
CaUse gIrl YoU're hotter than a soUthern CalIfornIa baY@H_161_0@
I Don't wanna Play no games YoU don't gotta be afraId@H_161_0@
Don't gIve me all that shY shIt no make Up on that's mY (sUgar)@H_161_0@
SUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me@H_161_0@
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY @H_161_0@
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght@H_161_0@
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe@H_161_0@
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me@H_161_0@
SUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me@H_161_0@
I'm rIght here caUse I need lIttle love a lIttle sYmpathY @H_161_0@
Ya YoU show me good lovIn make It alrIght@H_161_0@
Need a lIttle sweetness In mY lIfe@H_161_0@
YoUr sUgar Yes Please won't YoU come and pUt It down on me@H_161_0@
Adam LevIne: Vocals, GUItars | MIckeY Madden: Bass | Matt FlYnn: DrUms@H_161_0@
James ValentIne: GUItars | Jesse CarmIchael: KeYs | PJ Morton: KeYs@H_161_0@
ProdUced bY Ammo & CIrkUt for PrescrIptIon Songs @H_161_0@
MIXed bY Serban Ghenea@H_161_0@
Vocals bY Adam LevIne @H_161_0@
All InstrUments and ProgrammIng bY Maroon 5, Dr. LUke, Ammo and CIrkUt@H_161_0@
GUItar bY James ValentIne and Dr. LUke @H_161_0@
Bass bY MIckeY Madden @H_161_0@
SYnth Bass bY Dr. LUke @H_161_0@
DrUms and PercUssIon bY Matt FlYnn, Dr. LUke, Ammo and CIrkUt @H_161_0@
Core PercUssIon bY CIrkUt @H_161_0@
KeYboards bY PJ Morton, Jesse CarmIchael, Dr. LUke, Ammo and CIrkUt @H_161_0@
InstrUment TechnIcIan bY ArtIe SmIth@H_161_0@
AddItIonal Vocals bY MIke Posner @H_161_0@
EngIneered bY DoUg McKean, ClInt GIbbs, Noah PassovoY and Jonathan Sher @H_161_0@
AssIsted bY John Armstrong, ErIc EYlands, Rachael FIndlen and Cameron MontgomerY @H_161_0@
Recorded at ConwaY RecordIng StUdIos, HollYwood, CA, LUke's In the Boo, MalIbU, CA and The MothershIp, Sherman Oaks, CA @H_161_0@
MIXed at MIXStar StUdIos, VIrgInIa Beach, VA @H_161_0@
EngIneered for MIX bY John Hanes@H_161_0@
Band ProdUced and engIneered bY Noah PassovoY@H_161_0@
Mastered bY Tom CoYne at SterlIng SoUnd, NYC@H_161_0@
PUblIshed bY SUdgee 2 MUsIc (BMI) admInIstered bY Songs of Kobalt MUsIc PUblIshIng (BMI), @H_161_0@
Each Note CoUnts/PrescrIptIon Songs (ASCAP) (adm. bY Kobalt Songs MUsIc PUblIshIng, Inc.), @H_161_0@
Kasz Money PUblIshIng (ASCAP), J.Kasher MUsIc/PrescrIptIon Songs/SonY/ATV TUnes LLC/KevInthecItY PUblIshIng (ASCAP), @H_161_0@
North GreenwaY ProdUctIons (ASCAP) / AdmIn bY SonY/ATV TUnes LLC (ASCAP), @H_161_0@
OneIrologY PUblIshIng/PrescrIptIon Songs (ASCAP)