Moshi Moshi
Solo Dance
Toca Toca (Radio Edit)
Samsara (feat. Emila) [E...
Please Don't Go
Pink Champagne
See It Again
Seve (Radio Edit)
Wicked Wonderland
Toca Toca (Radio Edit)
Shape Of You
Es Rappelt Im Karton
Welcome To New York
WalkIng throUgh a crowd
The vIllage Is agLow
KaleIdoscope of Loud heartbeats
Under coats
EverYBody here wanted somethIng more
SearchIng for a soUnd we hadn't heard before
And It saId
Welcome to New York
It's been waItIng for YoU
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
It's been waItIng for YoU
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
It's a new soUndtrack
I coUld Dance to thIs beat, beat
Forever more
The Lights are so brIght
BUt theY never blInd me, me
Welcome to New York
It's been waItIng for YoU
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
When we fIrst dropped oUr bags
On apartment floors
Took oUr broken hearts
PUt them In a drawer
EverYBody here was @R_22_1575@ else before
And YoU can want who YoU want
BoYs and boYs and gIrls and gIrls
LIke anY great love
It keeps YoU gUessIng
LIke anY real love
It's ever changIng
LIke anY trUe love
It drIves YoU crazY
BUt YoU know YoU woUldn't change
AnYthIng, anYthIng, anYthIng...
ProdUced bY RYan Tedder, Noel Zancanella & TaYlor SwIft
Recorded bY RYan Tedder & SmIth Carlson at ConwaY StUdIos (Los Angeles, CA)
AssIsted bY ErIc EYlands, Matthew Tryba
MIXed bY Serban Ghenea at MIXStar StUdIos (VIrgInIa Beach, VA)
EngIneered for mIX bY John Hanes
Mastered bY Tom CoYne at SterlIng SoUnd (New York, NY)
PIano - RYan Tedder
JUno - RYan Tedder
DrUm ProgrammIng – Noel Zancanella
SYnthesIzer – Noel Zancanella
BackgroUnd Vocals – RYan Tedder
RYan Tedder appears coUrtesY of MosleY MUsIc/Interscope Records
© 2014 SonY/ATV Tree PUblIshIng / TaYlor SwIft MUsIc (BMI),
WrIte Me A Song PUblIshIng (GMR) (AdmInIstered BY Kobalt Songs MUsIc PUblIshIng, Inc.)
The vIllage Is agLow
KaleIdoscope of Loud heartbeats
Under coats
EverYBody here wanted somethIng more
SearchIng for a soUnd we hadn't heard before
And It saId
Welcome to New York
It's been waItIng for YoU
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
It's been waItIng for YoU
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
It's a new soUndtrack
I coUld Dance to thIs beat, beat
Forever more
The Lights are so brIght
BUt theY never blInd me, me
Welcome to New York
It's been waItIng for YoU
Welcome to New York
Welcome to New York
When we fIrst dropped oUr bags
On apartment floors
Took oUr broken hearts
PUt them In a drawer
EverYBody here was @R_22_1575@ else before
And YoU can want who YoU want
BoYs and boYs and gIrls and gIrls
LIke anY great love
It keeps YoU gUessIng
LIke anY real love
It's ever changIng
LIke anY trUe love
It drIves YoU crazY
BUt YoU know YoU woUldn't change
AnYthIng, anYthIng, anYthIng...
ProdUced bY RYan Tedder, Noel Zancanella & TaYlor SwIft
Recorded bY RYan Tedder & SmIth Carlson at ConwaY StUdIos (Los Angeles, CA)
AssIsted bY ErIc EYlands, Matthew Tryba
MIXed bY Serban Ghenea at MIXStar StUdIos (VIrgInIa Beach, VA)
EngIneered for mIX bY John Hanes
Mastered bY Tom CoYne at SterlIng SoUnd (New York, NY)
PIano - RYan Tedder
JUno - RYan Tedder
DrUm ProgrammIng – Noel Zancanella
SYnthesIzer – Noel Zancanella
BackgroUnd Vocals – RYan Tedder
RYan Tedder appears coUrtesY of MosleY MUsIc/Interscope Records
© 2014 SonY/ATV Tree PUblIshIng / TaYlor SwIft MUsIc (BMI),
WrIte Me A Song PUblIshIng (GMR) (AdmInIstered BY Kobalt Songs MUsIc PUblIshIng, Inc.)
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