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Moon Over Bourbon Street

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 莫文蔚 / Somewhere I Belong
There's a moon over boUrbon street tonIght@H_573_0@ I see faces as theY pass beneath the pale lamplIgh@H_573_0@ tI've no choIce bUt to folLow that call@H_573_0@ The brIght Lights, the people, and the moon and all@H_573_0@ I praY everYdaY to be strong@H_573_0@ For I know what I Do mUst be wrong@H_573_0@ Oh YoU'll never see mY shade or hear the soUnd of mY feet@H_573_0@ WhIle there's a moon over boUrbon street@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ It was manY Years ago that I became what I am@H_573_0@ I was trapped In thIs lIfe lIke an Innocent lamb@H_573_0@ Now I can never show mY face at noon@H_573_0@ And YoU'll @R_457_3392@ see me walkIng bY the Light of the moon@H_573_0@ The brIm of mY hat hIdes the eYe of a beast@H_573_0@ I've the face of a sInner bUt the hands of a prIest@H_573_0@ Oh YoU'll never see mY shade or hear the soUnd of mY feet@H_573_0@ WhIle there's a moon over boUrbon street@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ She walks everYdaY throUgh the streets of New Orleans@H_573_0@ She's Innocent and YoUng from a famIlY of means@H_573_0@ I have stood manY tImes oUtsIde her wIndow at nIght@H_573_0@ To strUggle wIth mY InstInct In the pale moonLight@H_573_0@ How coUld I be thIs waY when I praY to god above@H_573_0@ I mUst love what I destroY and destroY the thIng I love@H_573_0@ Oh YoU'll never see mY shade or hear the soUnd of mY feet@H_573_0@ WhIle there's a moon over boUrbon street@H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ @H_573_0@ Vocal: Karen Mok@H_573_0@ PIano: BUgge Wesseltoft@H_573_0@ GUItars: Lawrence KU@H_573_0@ Bass: EUn-Chang ChoI@H_573_0@ PercUssIon: AraI SoIchIro@H_573_0@ DrUms: Yong Heng WU@H_573_0@ Alto SaXophone: Sadao Watanabe

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I Can't Give You Anything But Love