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Stormy Weather

歌词来源专辑:华语女歌手 / 莫文蔚 / Somewhere I Belong
Don't know whY @H_923_0@ There's no sUn Up In the skY, @H_923_0@ StormY weather@H_923_0@ SInce mY man and I aIn't Together@H_923_0@ Keeps raInIng all the tIme@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ LIfe Is bare@H_923_0@ Gloom and mIserY everYwhere@H_923_0@ StormY weather@H_923_0@ JUst can't get mY poor self Together @H_923_0@ I'm wearY all the tIme, the tIme, @H_923_0@ so wearY all the tIme@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ When he went awaY, the blUes walked In and met me @H_923_0@ If he staYs awaY, old rockIng chaIr wIll get me @H_923_0@ All I Do Is praY that the Lord above @H_923_0@ wIll let me walk In the sUn once more@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ Can't go on@H_923_0@ EverYthIng I had Is gone @H_923_0@ StormY weather@H_923_0@ SInce mY man and I aIn't Together @H_923_0@ Keeps raInIng all the tIme@H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ @H_923_0@ Vocal: Karen Mok@H_923_0@ PIano: BUgge Wesseltoft@H_923_0@ GUItars: Lawrence KU@H_923_0@ Bass: EUn-Chang ChoI@H_923_0@ PercUssIon: AraI SoIchIro@H_923_0@ DrUms: Yong Heng WU @H_923_0@ PIpa: YI Zhang@H_923_0@ Trombone: QIng Wen HU

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Sour Times
Wicked Games